Chapter TEN: the Meal Conflict and the Feroce Terzetto

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*Dining Hall*

"Those freaking idiots are late.."--Gokudera

"Ahahahaha.. You can't blame them, Gokudera. 15 laps are pretty hard. For them of course."--Yamamoto

"Hmp. Just once,I agree with you,baseball-freak."--Gokudera

"You two,it's not good to boast. Like Reborn said,"Boast over things that you take advantage and someday the amount of boasting you did will come back to you."--Tsuna said

Gokudera just lower his head and mumble an apology.

"Lecturing like an adult again?"--Timoteo said as he enter the Dining Hall

Tsuna smile and then look at his watch. 7:25 am..

"Jeez,Lal's maybe pushing them hard. I just hope they're not too dead."--Tsuna

Meanwhile,the students are still running until Lal Mirch blow her whistle signalling them to stop,which they quickly did. Most of the class collapse,using each other as a leaning wall,they pant for air desperately.

"Okay,now that you've finish running,get some rest then proceed to the Dining Hall. The Ninth's already there."--Lal Mirch

The students groan. They're too tired to eat,but hearing the word "Ninth" they got up slowly and stagger towards their rooms.

"Lal, you're always a very strict instructor. Didn't the Ninth instructed you only 5 laps ,not 15 laps for them? Hey!"--A yellow-haired baby,dressed in a military uniform said as he came up from behind Lal.

"Colonello..."--Lal Mirch

"I finished my mission,earlier than I expected...So I came to drop by and see you torturing those children,just because you learned that they're bullying Tsuna? Hey!!"--Colonello

"Hn."--Lal Mirch

"Your control over your doting older sister is getting feebler every time."--Colonello

"Switching on your taunting mode again?"--Lal Mirch

"I'm just toying with you,Big Sister Lal..Hey.."--Colonello whisper

"COMSUBIN Soldier..Colonello.."--Lal Mirch said slowly,then she turn and punch her fiancée right in the face

"Ouch! That hurts,Lal! Why did you do that for?!Hey!"--Colonello

"For toying with me too much!!"--Lal Mirch said,blushing madly

"Hahaha,you're so easy to catch,Lal."--Colonello said,smirking

"COLONELLO!!!!!!"--Lal Mirch

Meanwhile after the students all took a shower,they headed straight to the Dining Hall,where Timoteo,Tsuna and the others are chattering.

"Oh,you're all already here. Come,join us. You must be pretty tired."--Timoteo said as the students sat.

"Hmm..From the looks of you,I guess it'll be much better if talk while eating."--Timoteo said as he snap his fingers

Immediately,the chefs came in and serve the dishes, which the students happily and gratefully dig in.

"I knew it. Lal pushed them too hard."--Tsuna muttered as he roll his pasta


"Huh?"--Tsuna said as he look up to face the bully of his


Gokudera bolted up straight,ready to defend his Boss.


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