Chapter THREE: In the Airport

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~Friday Morning~

~5:30 AM.~

Tsuna yawns while dragging his luggage to the school.Gokudera and Yamamoto are beside him,carrying their own luggages.Reborn woke him up again using his Leon-turned ten-ton mallet which he missed for a while.He hurriedly prepared himself because he don't want to be the cause why the trip has to be cancelled or he'll meet death soon.Now,he's dragging himself to the school.

"Boss,are you okay?"--Gokudera

"Im definitely not okay,Gokudera-kun. But dont panic. I'm just sleepy..Reborn made me sign another batch of paperwork last night and I only slept for about 4 hours.

"Hmmm..Typically Reborn-san. You can sleep later in the plane,Tenth!"--Gokudera

"I feel like I can't..My Hyper Intuition's going haywire.."--Tsuna

"Ahahaha! Don't mind it,Tsuna! It means nothing!"--Yamamoto

"That's the opposite,Yamamoto."--Tsuna

Tsuna heave a deep breath and let go,as he walk a few more steps to the school where the rest of the class are gathering.

"Good morning,Tsuna-kun! Gokudera-kun! Yamamoto-kun! Glad you made it!"--Kyoko

"Oh,good morning too,Kyoko-chan.."--Tsuna said gloomy

"What's wrong,Tsuna-kun? Are you sick?"--Kyoko asked worried

"No,Kyoko-chan..Just Sleep Deprivation..But dont worry,I'll sleep later.."--Tsuna


"Ohhh,Dame-Tsuna's here!! Hey,Dame-Tsuna what did you bring?! Tattered clothes and smelly underwear?!! And rotten food?!!!"--Daisuke Aoba,one of Tsuna's bullies taunted

"Well,well,that's pretty cheap!! Cheap people dont belong here,like you DAME-TSUNA!!!!"--Rukio Nanase,a rich kid and also one of Tsuna's bullies

"Bastards,say one more thing against Tenth and I'll blow you to pieces!!"--Gokudera threaten

"Gokudera-kun.."--Tsuna try to calm his starting to rage storm

"Hahaha,what are you to him,Gokudera?! His mommy?! Hahahahaha! Now that's hilarious!!!"--Osamu Kaneda,another bully of Tsuna

The rest of the class gathered around to watch,some join the "fun" which are most bullies.

"But,you're not our laughing stock,so step aside!! Hey,did someone pooped?! It's smelly here!!"--Osamu

"It's Dame-Tsuna!!"--Daisuke yelled

The class roared in laughter,the girls scrunch up in disgust.Yamamoto grip his bamboo sword,a serious look plastered in his face.Kyoko and Hana who knew about the Mafia and Tsuna's Family glared and clench their fists.

"Yuck! In all of the places?! Why here,loser?! Can't you hold that for a while?! Shame on you!"--Rukika Nanase,Rukio's sister shouted at Tsuna

"He's so disgusting!"--Kamiko Theia,another spoiled brat

"Bastards...I've heard enough from you!!! I'll blow you to pieces!!!"--Gokudera

"No,Gokudera-kun! Dont! I dont want anyone to be hurt! Calma per favore! (Calm down please!)"--Tsuna

Everyone stared at him shock.Did Dame-Tsuna just speak Italian?

"Ma non posso lasciare che l'insulto più ulteriormente, Decimo! (But I can't let them insult you more further,Tenth!)"--Gokudera

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