Chapter THIRTEEN: Past meets Future and Future meets Past

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Giotto and the Tsuna Triples are in the study and doing whatever they want. 17 year old Tsuna and 14 year old Tsuna are playing chess and scrabble. 24 year old Tsuna is quietly reading Alessandro Manzoni's novel, I promessi sposi also known as The Betrothed. While Giotto is signing his paperwork.

The huge oak doors of the Mansion open as G and Asari step in,carrying four boys.

"Benvenuto a casa, Signore G e Signore Asari. (Welcome home, Sir. G and Sir Asari)"--the maids and butlers greet

"Thank you. But,for now,please carry these poor unconscious boys in the Guest Rooms. We'll report to the Boss first then check up on them later,okay?"--Asari

"We understand. Then,how about a cup of coffee and a tray of sweet treats,Master?"--maid

"Yes,please. Bring them later in Giotto's study."--G

"Yes,Master G."--maid

The butlers carry the boys to the Guest Rooms while the maids headed to the kitchen to prepare the sweets. G and Asari walk straight towards Giotto's Study.

*knock! knock! knock!*

"Gio? Are you in?"--G

"Oh,G! Ugetsu! Come in!"--Giotto said as he put down his pen.

The two adults enter the room,unaware of a certain group of brunettes.

"You sure took 3 days to complete the mission,G. So are you,Ugetsu."--Giotto

"Well,I planned to return early,but there's some trouble on my way here."--G said as he sat on a chair

"I planned the opposite. I'm supposed to return 2 days from now,because I'd like to go sightseeing in the town where you sent me,Primo. But,like G,I met some trouble,so I hurry back."--Asari said as he also sat on another chair

"Don't tell me that another batch of paperwork will hatch from my desk? Did you destroy something big time again?"--Giotto

"No,Primo. It's different this time. We kinda..brought home unfamiliar guests and they are currently resting in the Guest Rooms."--Asari

"Unfamiliar guests you say? Well,I'm not surprise."--Giotto

G and Asari look at each other. Asari just shrug and pop on a I-don't-know face. G return his gaze to his Boss.

"Why? This is the first time you said that,Gio. Usually, you'll start to bombard questions to us and cleaning your desk,but this time... It's different."--G

"Well..several reasons and you'll know soon. Anyway,Alicia is already at the door."--Giotto

A knock came and it is indeed Alicia,the First Head Maiden of the Mansion.


"Your afternoon snack is already prepared,Master."--Alicia said as she place the tray down in Giotto's desk.

"Oh,thank you Alicia. You may go,now."--Giotto

"Your welcome,Master. Excuse me."--Alicia said as she step out of the room and close the door.

"So,what are these reasons of yours?"--G said as he took a cup of coffee and a piece of Cannoli Bite from the tray.

"We already have unfamiliar guests. They came only 2 days ago."--Giotto


"And,they're here,right now."--Giotto

"Huh? What are you talking about? There's no one else here besides us."--G

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