Chapter FIFTEEN: Game over and the News

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Tears run down Tsuna's cheeks as he heave himself up in a sitting position. He's back..He's back from the Past. Everything went back to normal,the second he and his two other guardians and Enma touch the land, the Time they're in,is the place they belong.

Tsuna smiled as his tears touch the ground and as he look up to the blue Sky.


Anytime now..anytime now..we'll be back in the future...2 days had passed..the effects will wear out soon...

Everyone that came from the future knows about it and unfortunately they can't do anything for it, to permanently stay and freeze the Time forever.. It's only been 5 days.. but they grew attached to the place..especially, now that they treat the first generation of Vongola like their own fathers.

But strangely though..The Sun and The Cloud didn't appear or arrive at the past.. The most passable explanation will be, is that they maybe dodged the shot or morphed a defensive guard around a certain radius in advanced. 17 year old Tsuna often thought how stupid he is,not to think about that but,he's a bit grateful to Beniamino to shot him with that tricky freaky man-made bullet. If he wasn't shot with it,all of these will not happen.

Giotto,on the other hand understand completely. But in his heart,a terrible pain is making it's way to bore a hole which can never be healed for a while. He treated the Tsuna Triples like his own sons,even though he don't know his will-be children in the future.

The same goes for G and Asari. G,even though he doesn't like the attitude of some of his descendants,he still formed a father-son relationship with them.

Cozarto Simon,the red-haired Simon Primo cant be any different to the current situation. Being with the Enma Triples for a short while, seem to hit him. He learned many things from them and the thought of them leaving, is like losing family members.. More like losing brothers.

~~Giotto's Study~~

"Tsunayoshi-kun..your hands are becoming transparent.. It's finally time.."--Giotto

"2 days had passed,Grandfather. We're gonna go anytime.. The effects of the Time Bullet are beginning to wear off.."--24 year old Tsuna

"I'm glad I met you three.. I treated you as my true sons.. And.."--Giotto said,smiling despite the sadness building up within him.

"Hayato-kun,Takeshi-kun.. Please protect Tsunayoshi-kun at all times..promise me that."---Giotto

"Our lives are dedicated to the Tenth. We promise you,Primo!"--Gokudera Triples and Yamamoto Triples

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