Episode 11 Part 1- Setting off

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Thank you guys for your support and lifting my spirits by saying that chapters up to this point weren't boring  ♡

I decided not to worry about things being boring and just write it how I think is the best (which is mostly sequentially). Thank you ♡ 

Previously on Aethernea:

Elaru explains how she manipulated Kiel into becoming her partner and makes him furious. She tells him she can no longer lie to him because their minds are now connected, and he would be able to tell if she was lying. Elaru reveals that today is the last day people can sign up for Ashar university entrance exams. Kiel is worried they won't make it in time, but Elaru pulls out an Eternal Beacon, which will allow them to teleport to Ashar.

* * *

"Does the bond influence feelings?" 

Kiel dreaded the answer.  

Elaru smirked. "Don't worry. Your adoration and love for me are all your own."

He gave her an icy glare, but she just smiled innocently.

Kiel exhaled slowly. His anger had mostly evaporated and he should keep it that way. He should get used to her antics and learn to deal with it. After, all, they were stuck together for the time being. He had no choice. 

She seemed to enjoy teasing him. Teasing wasn't something he was used to, however, he was very much prepared to handle it. He was Kiel Rroda! Quick wit was his middle name. If he couldn't handle it, who could?

His eyes narrowed slightly as a battle plan flashed inside his head. Two can play that game!

"Adoration and love? You seem to be projecting your own hidden desires onto me. Could it be that you find me attractive?" He asked with a soft knowing smile.

It was impossible not to find him appealing. So he already knew the answer to that question. And he had prepared an appropriate response regardless of what she said.

If she said 'no', he would tell her that she can't lie to him because of the bond. Then he would continue teasing her asking "Why lie? Are you embarrassed?"

If she said 'yes', he would continue to tease her with: "I see. So you show your affection by teasing the people you like. I had no idea you liked me that much."

If she refused to respond he would tease her with "Why are you silent? Can't admit your attraction to me?"

Ideally, she would blush, which would give him more ammunition. In any case, in future conversations, he could use her attraction to him as ammo.

However, her reaction was, again, not something he predicted.

At first, she was surprised at his question. Then she looked at him. Really looked at him, inspecting him head to toe. Then she walked up to him, closer, too close, and examined his face. This was the point where Kiel regretted asking that question, and his regret only deepened when she smiled and bluntly stated:

"Yeah. You're really pretty! You have a face that would make girls feel jealous!" Her response devoid of any intentional teasing stabbed Kiel right where it hurt.

If she weren't sincere, it wouldn't have been an insult but rather just her teasing him.

But since her words were earnest it turned into an insult by truth! Critical hit!

Kiel had an undoubtedly male figure with well-defined muscles; he was in no way scrawny or female looking. His body was toned just the right amount, neither skinny nor bulky. It resembled a slim, graceful body of a feline (male feline!) rather than a body of a warrior.

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