Episode 89 - Sack of Fat

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Goddas comes to a bar that acts as a branch of the Shadow Lodge. There he inquires about Light, a Shadow that had been coming uninvited into his residence. There he meets a youth on the bar counter drinking his sorrows away, and looking wasted.

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This episode contains humor. 

Be careful and avoid eating/drinking and reading in public places, just in case.

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Goddas stared at the youth like seeing a comrade in arms. "What's your story? Did you get bullied?"

"You have—no idea!" The youth's elibu ears seemed to perk up in excitement. Finally, there was someone on whom he could unload his grievances. "You won't be—believe what happ—ened to me today! I got —robbed..." An especially vicious hiccup made him pause for several seconds before finishing his statement. "In broad daylight!"

"No!" Goddas gasped with much more surprise than needed. "Who dares rob people in broad daylight?" He then lowered his voice sneakily. "Is it one them...Shadows?"

The youth nodded his head animatedly, then suddenly stopped and groaned painfully. What a terrible headache...

"Tough luck... what did they steal?"

The youth's face turned very sour. "My... hand cream..." He hiccupped pitifully.

"Say what?!" Goddas' jaw dropped and he stared at the youth dumbfounded. A hand cream?? You are this upset over a hand cream?! Frakk! What was it made out of?! Diamonds?!

Must have heard him wrong... Goddas turned his head to the side and attempted to stick his little finger inside his ear to clean it. However, his little finger was in no way little, so no matter how he tried he couldn't stick it in.

After multiple failed attempts, Goddas figured that he probably heard the youth right after all. It's just that... Is 'hand cream' some kind of slang term? Is he referring to something else? Kids nowadays...

The youth was completely unaware of the thoughts running through fatty's head. He continued: "That's not even—the worst thing!" In his mind flashed a beautiful face surrounded by black and blue hair. The youth's expression turned incomparably miserable.

"The worst thing is—watching handsome men—fawn over stuck up b—" He let out a loud sneeze. "I have no idea—what you guys see in—women. Such nasty creatures..." Suddenly he shivered. "...especially red-headed ones..."

Then he proceeded to pout and press his index fingers together in a pitiful manner.

"I happen to love redheads. Spicy!" Fatty's mouth stretched into a lascivious grin. "What do you mean what "we" see in women? I've got one word for you: boobs!"

The youth let out an unresigned "Bah!" and quickly downed the remainder of his glass with a condescending frown on his face. "Nothing but a sack of fat!"

Goddas' smile vanished from his face into thin air, replaced with a red flush. "Who are you calling a sack of fat?! You skinny little buttcracker!" He slammed his ring littered hands on the counter and attempted to get off his seat furiously. However, the bar stools were bolted to the floor, so he only looked like a jelly struggling to squeeze out of confinement.

"What?" The youth was startled and turned to look at the funny scene. "I didn't mean you...! Boobs!"

The fatty's struggle ceased, and he turned his head to look behind himself. "Where? Where? How big are they?"

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