Episode 115 - Zor Arite

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Kiel's practical exam ends and the entire world around him turns into motes of light.

* * *

When Kiel opened his eyes next, he was sitting back inside the quiet black room filled with white egg-shaped chairs.

At first, he just stood there with a blank stare, his mind still trapped within those 30 long minutes that seemed to last for days.

Then he let out a long sigh and marveled at how comfortable he felt in his own skin.

He blinked repeatedly and clenched and unclenched his fists. The pain he had been previously feeling disappeared completely. His muscles that have been left sore by Rhur's electrocution were back to normal. His leg that had been pierced through by his own bone was no longer in bloody agony.

It felt as if he was suddenly lying in a soft, cotton bed as opposed to the hard, cold marble floor. The feeling was surreal and as unsettling as it was comfortable.

"Is everything in order?" An emotionless yet pleasant to the ear voice reached Kiel's ears. His head snapped up to see Mageheart who, he could swear, wasn't there before.

"Yes. Thank you." Kiel smiled politely to the white haired female. "It's just taking me a bit to get used to being back in my original body."

"Your practical exam is over. You are free to leave anytime." Mageheart's pale face and purple eyes stared down at him calmly. Kiel wasn't sure whether she was just stating the facts or if it was a polite way to tell him to hurry up and leave.

"Ah...about my score..." Kiel murmured huskily.

"The examiners are discussing it right now. You will be able to see your score the day after tomorrow." Mageheart explained in an emotionless voice.

"I see..." Kiel mused and finally got up from his chair. His body felt so much lighter than before, he was almost floating as he made his way towards the exit.

He looked back to Mageheart just as he was about to exit, nodded at her and smiled a bright smile. "Until next time, lady Mageheart."

He was just about to close the door behind him when he heard Mageheart say in a flat yet somehow, almost confused tone. "I am not a lady. I am Mageheart."

Her words made Kiel almost trip on his way out. What the bloody meep was that supposed to mean?

* * *

As soon as Kiel exited the room, he came face to face with Elaru who had been waiting for him.

Kiel felt as if he hadn't seen her beautiful face for ages, and his heart almost lurched when she smiled at him brightly: "How did it go?"

Only then did the full brunt of the last 30 minutes hit Kiel and his face fell.

Horrible. He thought but didn't voice it out loud. He didn't need to voice it either, his sullen face spoke quite clearly.

Was he defeated? Not quite, but...

He couldn't be considered victorious either.

This type of "victory" felt worse than a defeat.

Kiel felt as if he was nowhere near prepared for this. He had no gear, no medicine, no specialization. He felt inferior, insecure, inadequate.

"What happened?" Elaru tilted her head curiously.

Kiel was about to say "I don't want to talk about it." But a new voice made his jaw stiffen, and his words got stuck in his throat: "Can't you tell? When you see a face like that you are better off not asking for details."

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