Episode 88 - Light and Night

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Elaru picks up Kiel's ring and the two of them go to Black Pearl restaurant where she intends to give him the ring and explain its usage. Unfortunately, as they enter the lobby of the restaurant, they run into Rhur Rroda – Kiel's older brother, and his date. Kiel and Rhur engage in a word battle, both trying to humiliate each other. Their stalemate is broken when Elaru joins the fray, and Rhur ends up suffering heavy monetary losses because of an overly expensive wine Elaru tricked him into ordering.

The four leave Black Pearl after their lunch, however, Kiel and Elaru return back because they haven't yet accomplished their goal behind coming to Black Pearl restaurant. After they are left alone in a private booth, the two enjoy their victory over Rhur.

* * *

The two laughed merrily until their eyes were red from tears and their faces hurt from grinning too much. Several times, they managed to calm down, only to look at each other and burst into laughter once again.

It had been a long time since Elaru had laughed carefreely like this.

And for Kiel, it had been an even longer time. A time so long that he couldn't remember ever laughing like this.

For a moment, Kiel forgot all his inhibitions. He forgot that he was supposed to be suppressing these feelings that overflowed with no rime or reason, this rampaging tide of emotions that he couldn't help but fear.

For what Kiel feared the most was the loss of control.

He dreaded losing control of his own fate, yet, what he feared even more, was losing control of himself.

For buried deep down within him, there was a sleeping monstrosity that was everything he didn't want to be. A dangerous, bestial creature ready to bare its fangs to anyone standing in its way. A ticking time bomb that just needed a trigger.

No matter how he despised it, no matter how he tried to ignore it – through his veins ran the blood of a Rroda.

* * *

In a small, secluded alley in the oldest neighborhood of Ashar, there was an old-fashioned bar. The wooden entrance to the establishment was rustic looking, while the blurred glass on the windows gave it a mysterious look.

The insides were just as old fashioned as the outside, filled with wooden tables and chairs. In the middle of the establishment was a bar counter, behind which stood a middle-aged argel appearing to be in his fifties. He was tall and thin, with sunken eyes and a stiff, emotionless face. His neatly combed dark brown hair was littered with many gray strands.

The man was wiping mugs and wine glasses, occasionally looking through the blurry windows to the outside, occasionally looking at the youth who half-sat at the bar counter and half-laid on top of it.

A sound of jingling bells attracted the man's attention towards the entrance, where a giant black ball was trying to pass through the doorframe. The sight was quite bizarre, as if someone took a human sized airbalt ball, covered it with a black blanket and tried to roll it through the door only to get stuck.

Although the sight was nothing short of hilarious, the bartender remained as apathetic as ever, no humor showing in his black eyes.

After several seconds of wiggling, the ball managed to squeeze through the door and staggered to the bar, where it proceeded to occupy several bar stools.

The bartender waited for the ball to catch its breath before asking. "Goddas, how may I help you today?"

The black ball gasped. "How did you...?!?" Abruptly, the ball stopped speaking, realizing he almost gave himself away. No one was supposed to know who he was, that's why he came wearing a black cloak.

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