Episode 31 - The Secret of Elaru Wayvin

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Previously on Aethernea:

After a long practice of the Morph spell, Kiel's practice is interrupted by hunger. Elaru teases him about his growling stomach.

Venric Rroda is about to open the envelope containing the investigation results about Elaru Wayvin.

* * *

The first thing Venric saw when he opened the envelope were two words written in a large font: "Elaru Wayvin".

He flipped the page and came face to face with the picture of a redheaded girl.

Etezzas were professionals in the field of gathering and selling information, of course they would go as far as to hire an artist to draw the picture of the girl. Especially since the customer was an important individual with exceedingly high status.

Venric stared at the image, his frown deepening. The girl was strikingly beautiful, so much that the quick painting couldn't cover up her extraordinary beauty in any way.

Instead of praising his grandson's taste, Venric's lips curled.

That annoying old hag used to have hair of this exact shade when she was young. This whore even has a tan just like her.

Venric "tsked". What a bad taste in women.

If anyone from Venric Rroda's generation were there, they would have burst out laughing at this point. "Who has a bad taste in women? Your grandson or you? Didn't you spend five years courting that old hag? Does attraction towards redheads run in your family?"

However, as soon as the memory of his old flame appeared he was quick to vanquish it, not stopping to recall the old times.

He quickly moved on to the next page, not pausing a single second to consider the possibility of this "Elaru Wayvin" being related to her.

It wasn't that he was overlooking this possibility. Rather, this possibility didn't exist at all.

That old hag was an argel. While this young wench was an elibu.

All throughout the history, argel and elibu rarely married. It wasn't because of societal norms, or because interracial marriage was frowned upon.

No. It was because of a single, simple reason – argel and elibu couldn't produce an offspring together. Their races were too different. They were physically incompatible. It was like a dragon mating with a phoenix – while they could technically engage in intercourse - a half-breed couldn't exist.

This was one fact that had never changed all through the ages. Even back in the days, when gods roamed freely around the world, creating all kinds of miracles through Aetherneal magic, a half-breed was one of the things they couldn't create.

As Venric flipped the stack of papers, his frown kept deepening. "What nonsense is this?"

"Origin: Unknown, Family: Unknown, Mage Rank: Unknown, Profession: Unknown. Affiliation: Unknown."

For the love of Origin, why is everything "Unknown"?!

The report even listed her race as unknown! Their explanation being: "Appears to be an elibu. Has been seen using augmentation magic. The existence of mana purifying artifact on her person hasn't been confirmed. A possibility of her being an argel can't be dismissed. Needs further investigation."

The only concrete information they provided was her age...and even that wasn't precise, instead, they gave a range: 18-25.

Venric quickly skipped to the last page which contained the conclusion alongside the personal opinion of the person writing the report.

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