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Yo, before we start. I wanna declare that paintedpoems is someone that if you're interested in this book, that you'd also be interested in one of her books called Dreaming of the Darkness! Go check it out! I think it's amazing, and paintedpoems thank you for becoming apart of my family and asking for the advice. Your book is going to surely go somewhere!

Blake's pov:
I am running.

I am running through moonlit woods, with branches ripping at my clothes and my feet catching in the snow on the ground.

The coldness slashes at my hands. My breath tears in my throat. Everything hurts. But this is the only thing I can do. I run away from him.

I have to get there. I have to get to the road before-

I close my eyes as I think of what could happen if he catches up with me. He could kill me! I open my eyes as a sudden burst of energy travels to my bare feet.

And then there the road is, like a black snake, the tree trucks look like black slashes against the light. Branches and twigs sticking out of the snow looks as if they were old and twisted hands grasping for an unknown object over them in the trees.

I force myself to run for another thirty feet, tripping over fallen logs. My heart like a drum in my chest.

Then I hear what sounds like thunder, and there is pain in my left leg. My leg is taken out from underneath me. I land on my left arm and I scream out in pain. I look down to see red. Blood. It drips off of some of the flesh that's now outside of my leg onto the white of the snow that lays on the uneven ground.

As I scream out loud in agony, I hear a my name being called out calmly. I look back to see him running at me, a gun in his arms. I try to get up and run, but the pain overwhelms me, I fail by falling over myself.

I try again, this time I am able to get on my feet. The pain shoots up my leg and I swear at it.

I look back, ignoring the pain.

Gone. He's gone! I smile at the thought that I might get out of here alive. I look forward to make sure that he wasn't in front of me, like a jump scare in an old horror movie. I hold my breath in case if he was, but no one was in my face. I breathe easy as I start to limp to the road.

Every noise other than the dripping of my blood starts to fade away into nothing but a high-pitch continuous buzz. I start to limp faster.

The noise continues. I feel like I should go faster, but the pain is causing me not to. The noise is bothering me. Really, really bad. I don't know why, but it just does. I want it to stop.

Stop. Please, just stop.

I make it to the road, and I look back to see if that man is anywhere. But all I see is the darkened forest like area. Not another human in sight.

I look around at my surrounding, trying to make out where exactly I am. I again hear thunder, and before I can even blink, pain overwhelms me to the point that I can't even scream.

 I again hear thunder, and before I can even blink, pain overwhelms me to the point that I can't even scream

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