Chapter #7

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Blake's pov

Jack's eyes as he stares at me are filled with something other than fear, I'm used to seeing from other people.

No, they're filled with something different... almost like disbelief...

Maybe jealousy, or envy.

About after a minute or two of laughing at his reaction, I calm down and start to walk again, though a smirk never leaves my mouth. Chris and Jack follows behind, slowly.

Chris's pov:

"So, you new here?" I ask Jack as we begin following Blake, hoping to get a better understanding of this guy.

"Yeah, sort of." He replies. I raise my eyebrow to show him that I'm not following what he means, he side glances at me sighing.

"I used to live here a while back..." he says when he looks forward again, starring blankly in front of him. The look of grief fills his eyes.

"Oh... well, welcome back then." I say, smirking to try to uplift the mood in between us, suddenly feeling the need to.

"Thanks," Jack says with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

Fine, be like that.

Jack's pov:

After I say thanks to Chris, I can't help but to remember who my family lost here in this city, and why my father was so eager to come back...

I subconsciously clench my fist with anger poking in my chest.

As I think to myself silently, Blake who's still in front of us makes an quick turn right and disappears behind a brick wall of a building.

Chris and I follow.

We then find ourselves in front of a latter that leads up to the same building's roof. Chris goes first up the mental latter while Blake leans against the brick wall. Her face is darkened by her hair causing shadows over her eyes. Almost as if she was thinking quietly.

I take it that I'm suppose to be next, so I walk over to the latter and grab onto one of the sides of it before I attempt to start climbing. But Blake grabs my arm without looking at me.

"Stay," she dictates loudly, as if she doesn't care about what I would say.

"Umm... you want me to-?" I begin. She looks at me with a unemotional expression and interrupts me. "I want to talk to you... privately."

The way she says privately sends a chill down my neck and spine.

"Oh, sure... I guess," I say smiling, feeling the tension rising, knowing that it looks like I don't have much of a choice, Blake looks back to the ground as I step down from the latter.

I stare at her as Blake stands there quietly, trying to guess why she would wanna talk to me like this...isolated almost.

Something about the way she just stands there makes my feel threatened. Like I'm in danger of something. Of her.

Before I can say anything, she barks at me, making me jump. "Why did you defend me when that teacher--- no one in their right mind would stand up for a-" She says with sharpness rising in her voice.

"You did nothing wrong." I tell her with confidence. She looks at me with confusion.


She says nothing, but continues to look at me. I can't help but to notice the sound of her breathe. Soon, it turns into us just silently staring at each other. For some god damn reason, I look at her pale light pink lips, I can practically see how soft they must be. My eyes wonder down to her neck that is slightly covered by her hood.

This is when I take notice of how discolored it is, as if it is recovering from a bruise or something.

Suddenly, Chris's loud voice booms from the roof.


Five minutes later

"Amazing..." I barely even say at the site of the city... "you can see all, if not most of the city from here..." I mumble.

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