Chapter #1

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Dedicated to Awakenednightmares for just being there to talk to and for the amazing writing she does! Go check her out, you won't be disappointed. Trust me 😂😆

Blake's pov:
The first sign that something is unusual: Waking up into the darkness with small fluffy cat paws on my face. I must have forgotten to open my bedroom door last night. Punishment for drinking.

"Go away" I groan. Littlegirl meows and head butts me. I try to bury my face into my pillow but she continues to rub herself against my ear and lower part of my face. Eventually I roll over and heartlessly, I push her off of the bed.

She thumps onto the floor with a little meep and I pull my blanket over my head, I hear her meow over and over again. "Meow, meow, meow!" I begin to copy my cat until I give up meowing.

I sit up, and she leaps onto my bed purring, but I snatch before she can escape my grasp.

I begin to think about the nightmare I just had. About running through moonlit woods and being shot.

What could've it meant?

I shift in my bed, getting more comfortable by lifting my blanket off of me and crossing my legs crisscross applesauce style.

It doesn't matter. I think to myself as I start to get up to feed the small black cat in my arms.

After I feed her some leftover chicken, I walk into the bathroom down the hall.

We look like shit! A voice from my head says. I look up to the mirror and I see that the voice is right, I really do look like shit. My eyes have dark eye bags underneath them, making it look like I haven't slept in forever. I smirk as I play around with my hair to try and fix it without actually brushing it, but I fail and I eventually give up on it. Instead I go back to my room and look at my alarm clock to find out what time it is.

7:07 A.M.


I am gonna be late for the bus.

I rush back into my bathroom and I brush my teeth and my dark brown hair, then I look for my eyeliner and mascara, but I can't find them. I groan and run back into my room. I change my clothes. I throw on my old black pants, then a gray crop top, and finally on with my black hoodie with cuts all over it, including dried blood.

All black baby!

I smile at my outfit. Then, after I get my red converse shoes on and I grab my money and lighter, I rush out of my house trying not to wake up my drunken stepfather.

As I walk to my bus stop, I begin to think about him and what's he's been through. My stepfather...

My stepfather used to be a well respected police officer, until he had gotten into alcohol and gambling. He met my mother, who loved to gamble.

She was married to my real father, John Bluray. John is a dangerous man, period. He also is very rich, he practically owns the city of Chicago and no one can do jack shit about it.

He could kill anyone he wanted dead in horrific ways. John was born into the business of murder, selling women, drugs, and selling weapons. He was born into an empire of criminals. And he was their king.

So where does that leave me?

Well, no where nice. That's for sure.

Some police officer finally busted my dad, so he was sent to prison for a short while. My mother figured that she could have some fun by gambling and at a club she met my stepfather. She felt that she was in love with him, what with looks and all.

Blake 💀🖕Where stories live. Discover now