Chapter #10

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Blake's pov:

A crow sits on an old pipe besides me. It's black, cold eyes stare back at mine. I bring back my cigarette to my mouth and I take a whiff the smell that comes with the smoke.

"Do you wanna trade lives?" I ask the bird as if it could talk.

No answer.

"Ha, that's what I thought."

I breathe in with the cigarette still in my mouth. I close my eyes and tilt my head back.

After a few more minutes of just sitting around like a lazy bum I am, I open my eyes and smash the burning bud of the cigarette on the ground.

I'm bored!

"I thought I'd never hear from you again, where the hell you've been." I ask aloud.

Hell... so what are we gonna do for the rest of today? Stay on this particular roof or what?

I look down at my watch on my right wrist.

"Relax, we've only got like ten minutes left of school."

Why do you even come to this shit-hole if you don't go to it's classes?

"Cause if I don't, James would...," I stop what I'm saying knowing that the voice already knows the answer.

You're still scared of that drunk? The voice in my head asks.

I stare at the crow as it tilts it's head, watching me.

Hey, I don't like that thing watching us, leT's kiLl It. The voice fills the silence.


Oh, cOme oN! PleAse?

"Nope. I don't think I could even catch it. It would fly away."

I stand up quickly, the crow just about jumps back. "See?"

AwWw~ buT I wanna see some more blOod! Hey, let's fiNish that big guy! Joe was it?

"How about I just carve my name into a wall or something?"


I Look around and see nothing that sparks an interest. I decide the I'm just carve my name or a bad word into a wall or even a ledge. I decide a ledge.

I walk over to the closest one to me with boredom and I take my switchblade out from my bra. I always have one on me since this city is "so great and perfect", sarcasm, I love it.

When I finally make it to the ledge, I plop down and flip out my blade. I look at the stainless steel blade as it casts a faint glow. I run my middle and index fingers across it. I then lean over the ledge and look for a possible place to start carving into.

On your left! My little head guest starts giggling like we were playing a game. I run my fingers along the surface of the arched stone, then I point my blade at it and start digging into it. It creates a annoying sound as my blade scratches along the plain stone.

Man, it's been forever since we last talked. It mumbles. I smile. "We were just talking."

Yeah, but today is the only day you really even took a notice of me. It's like you've forgotten your buddy.

Blake 💀🖕Where stories live. Discover now