Chapter #14

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Jack's pov;

"Molly! Where are you?" I giggle as I run around on the playground. I suddenly trip on a root of a big tree. Before I fall on the ground, I feel two hands grab onto my torso. I also hear the familiar, kind voice of mommy.

"What's my little man doing?" She said with grace. Her laugh makes me smile. "I playing hide n' seek with Molly!" I look back too see my mommy's face, her smile makes me feel so safe.

Molly runs up for behind mommy, panting. "Mom! There's a fight with some kids." Mommy looked at her. Mommy loves to help kids, and Molly knows that.

"Where?" Molly points over to the swing set. "Stay with your younger brother, Molly."


"Mom!" Molly screamed as she ran over to mommy who was now laying on the ground. The girl... she stood over mommy with no look of sympathy. Kids and parents scattered as the screams and that loud bang echoed throughout this park. My eyes widened as Molly dropped down beside mommy crying, I looked back to the girl. A tall man in all black walks slowly to the girl with something shiny in his gloved hand. Red surrounded mommy as she started crawling away, pushing Molly towards me.

I watch Molly and mommy. The girl, long brown hair covered her face, also watched. "You should've just minded your own business, bitch." I heard as the tall man knelt behind the girl. He leaned closer to the girl as he brought the shiny thing in his hands up and made her hold it. He then guided her hands that held the shiny item up and pointed it at mommy, "See what happens when you talk about your mother, kid? People have to die, and it's your fault. You have to fix this. You do this, no one else has to get hurt."

The girl flinched, but held the object in her hands up and kept it pointed at mommy, even after the tall man got up and started walking away.


Molly screamed. Mommy stopped moving. I did nothing. The girl walked away, to the tall man. Then some other tall guys walked up behind Molly and grabbed her. Her started kicking and screaming. I ran up to them, started punching and kicking them to let her go.

One of them grabbed me and lifted me up into the air as well, I started screaming my head off.

"Put them down!" The girl yelled. The tall man in all black looked at her, then back at the other men struggling to hold me and Molly. He shrugged, "Release the boy, keep the girl. That detective needs to learn his lesson." The girl's face grew pale. As did Molly's.

End of flashback.

"JACK!" I flinch from the sudden scream that my sister made into the phone. "Where are you? Dad is really freaking out here. The first day back here and your missing..." I push my way out of the crowded bar, away from the loud music and yelling. As I push the door that leads into the city, I feel the cooled air consume my body. Cars and people create a faint noise in the background. 

"I'm with a friend, or at least I was." After we arrived at this bar, Chris ordered us some shots and we exchanged phone numbers so we could hang out later if something came up, after our third round he ditched with a hot chick. I remained at the bar talking to a cute waitress. Then my phone started ringing.

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