He Didn't Rape Me!

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   I opened my eyes to find myself in a large bed. The walls were painted blue with a green ceiling. The pillows were blue that faded into green, as well as the comforter. The carpet was white. There were large windows and a glass sliding door that led to a balcony. Outside there was a large pool with palm trees and a sandy beach. White, blue, and green poolside chairs were scattered everywhere, but it was neatly and creatively planned.

   The large dark oak door opened, revealing Kyle, the man who kidnapped me. I sat up and glared at him. He closed the door behind him, leaning against it.

   "Glad to see you awake" he said with a smirk. I looked down and realized I wasn't wearing the same clothes I had been in. I was wearing a tight white t-shirt with a brown dog sticking its tongue out and had matching white pants with dogs.

   "Where's my dress?" I asked.

   "In the closet. Why do you care?"

   "Because somebody changed me. Who?"

   "My sister, Taylor. Why? Did you think I did?"

   "A little"

   "I wanted to, but Taylor wouldn't let me. She told me to 'have a little decency'"

   "Yeah, unlike Jake" I murmured to myself.

   I got up and realized all my make-up was off and all my bruises were exposed. Kyle noticed because his eyes darkened a little. He strode over to me.

   I backed up and ended up falling backwards on the bed. He grabbed my arm roughly and stared at it, making me wince from the pain.

   "Who did this to you?" he demanded.

   "Nobody" I murmured. His eyes narrowed dangerously.

   "Tell me, then, how you got these"

   "I...um...well...you see...it's...it's complicated" I murmured, looking down. He grabbed my jaw roughly, making me whimper in pain and forcing me to look at him.

   "Who. Did. This. To. You" he said quietly and clearly. I shut my eyes, feeling tears.

   "Jake" I whispered.

   "Who's Jake?"

   "My brother" I replied, spitting out the words like acid on my tongue. Kyle roughly let go of me and began pacing. I sat there quietly, not knowing what to do.

   "What has he done to you?" Kyle growled. His question took me by surprise.


   "What has he done to you? What is everything he made you do? Punch you? Kick you? Slap you? Threaten you?"

   "Yes, yes, yes, and yes" I answered quietly.

   "Anything else?"

   "No" I lied. He had done other things. Rape me twice, force me to touch him in his area, killed my sister after she refused to let him rape her, then raped you body.

   Yeah, I had a sister. She was my identical twin. Her name was Kelly. I was never the same after that. I just gave up fighting Jake. I had nothing more to fight for.

   "Your cheeks are getting red. You're lying" Kyle said. He knelt down in front of me and gently lifted my chin so I was looking at him.

   "I'm not lying" I whispered.

   "What did he do to you?" Kyle asked. I shook my head.

   "I already told you what he did to me"

   "He did more. What?"

   "He didn't do anything else"

   "Bella, tell me now. I will eventually find out myself"

   "He didn't do anything else!" I retorted, my voice rising. Kyle raised his hand and I flinched, whimpering and waiting for the blow, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Kyle looking at me with hurt in his eyes. He gently touched my shoulder.

   "Why do you think I'm going to hurt you?"

   "Because everyone does. I have nothing and nobody left to live for. Not after he killed my sister"


   "That bastard who calls himself my brother. He killed my identical twin sister, Kelly, after she refused to let him rape her, then raped her body with me watching" I whispered. That was when he raped me for the first time as well. Kyle's eyes darkened and he narrowed them.

   "Did he rape you?" he asked.

   "N...no" I lied. My cheeks felt on fire.

   "Tell me the truth!"

   "He didn't!" I yelled. Kyle slapped me, not hard but hard enough. I scrambled away from him but he grabbed my ankle, dragging me back to him and getting on top of me, trapping my kicking legs underneath his and pinning my arms above my head.

   "Don't you dare try to escape!" Kyle yelled. Suddenly, he wasn't Kyle anymore. I saw Jake above me.

   "No, Jake, please! Not again, please!" I screamed. Jake's eyes held confusion and he got off me. I was confused. Jake had never let me go. Then I saw Kyle in front of me again. He was confused.

   "You thought I was Jake" he said. His tone was one of complete and utter confusion.


   "Yes you did. You were screaming for Jake to stop. For him to not do something again"


   "He raped you, didn't he?"


   "Don't you dare lie to me again! He raped you!"

   "Why do you keep thinking he raped me!?"

   "Cause he did!"

   "He..." I began, but stopped. It was no use. Jake had raped me twice. I looked down, closing my eyes, feeling tears.

   "How many times did he? How many, Bella" Kyle whispered. I let out a sob.

   "Twice" I choked out. I buried my head in the comforter, crying. I felt the bed dip down and Kyle scooped me into his arms and sat me sideways on his lap. I struggled to get free but he held on. I finally gave up and just cried into his shoulder as he rubbed my back gently, every once in a while rubbing one of my bruises.

   When I finished crying he laid me down on the bed and laid down behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and bringing me close to his chest. I thought I could feel his hard on slightly, but I ignored it best I could. If he was going to rape me, he would have probably done it by now.

   I felt my eyelids close and hear him whisper just before I drifted off.

   "I'll make sure the bastard gets what he deserves" Kyle growled as I drifted off into the comfortable world of sleep.

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