Not Again!

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   "How's Cole?" I asked Taylor. We were sitting in the kitchen after I walked out on Kyle. I felt kinda bad about it, but he had it coming. He just watched as Jake and I fought, then thought it was okay to try and kill Cole because I gave him a hug.

   "He's doing better. Pissed at my brother, though"

   "He's not the only one"

   "You said Jake got in"

   "Yeah. We exchanged a few unfriendly words, I threw a knife hitting his shoulder, he left. That's all. The thing is, your brother must have been watching us. He even admitted it"

   "He watched but didn't do anything?"

   "Yeah. He then attacked Cole cause I hugged him"

   "He's way overprotective of you"

   "Then why didn't he stop Jake?"

   "That's kinda funny. I have no idea, honestly"

   "Weird" I whispered.

   "What's weird?" asked a familiar voice behind me. I whipped around to find myself face to face, literally, with brown eyes.

   "Why do you care?" I asked Kyle. He chuckled, backing away slightly. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

   "Just curious" he answered, shrugging his shoulders. I snorted and looked at Taylor. She was giving her brother a death glare. I looked back at Kyle and he gave her a cheeky grin.

   He then turned and walked past her to the fridge. She kicked his butt hard when he went past her, but he ignored her. I got up and was ready to leave when a hand grabbed my arm and I whipped around to face Kyle.

   "Let go" I murmured. He just grabbed onto my other arm as well. I tried to turn and leave, but he shook me lightly and turned me back toward him, his hard eyes softening slightly.

   "Where you going in such a hurry?" he asked. Taylor got out of her chair.

   "To shower" I answered, shrugging my shoulders like it was no big deal. He leaned closer so his mouth was right by my ear. I looked at Taylor's worried face.

   She took a step forward, but I instantly mouthed a 'no' to her.

   "Do you need help? Maybe I could join you" he whispered. I doubted Taylor could hear, but she took one look at the horror on my face and put her hands on her hips.

   "Leave her alone, Kyle" she growled. Kyle stiffened and turned to look at her.

   "Stay out of this, sis. It's none of you business"

   "She's scared, Kyle. Just let her go"

   "How about, no"

   "Kyle, look at her. You need to leave her alone and give her some space"

   "That's not what she wanted when you were gone"

   "Well, now we're here, so let her go"

   "Let her go, now" growled a new voice behind us. I turned to see Cole standing there, glaring at Cole.

   "Cole" I breathed. Kyle's fingernails dug deeper into my arm, making me whimper.

   "I said let her go"

   "Why do you care about her?"

   "Because she loves me and I love her"

   "You're wrong! She can only love me!" Kyle yelled. I flinched slightly.

   "Are you that selfish? She can't even love her own brother?" Cole asked. Kyle suddenly let go of me and I fell into Cole's arms. He had a look of shock on his face.


   "Yeah, she's my sister"


   "Her father and my mother got together. We're only half siblings, but siblings none the less"

   "Why didn't you tell me?"

   "I did when I was punching you" I answered. Kyle shook his head like he couldn't believe it.

   He walked out of the kitchen. I looked at Cole and then went to my room. I went to shower. I shaved everywhere, just in case. When you're around strong, hot guys 24/7 it's always better to be safe than sorry.

   I got out and dried off, wrapping a towel around me before stepping out of the bathroom, ready to go to the closet to find some clothes.

   Kyle was sitting on the bed. What do you know? His eyes raked my body and memories came flooding back of what happened last time. I turned to look at the closet, but the door was closed. The bedroom door was also closed. I started getting really nervous

  . I turned to open the closet door but it was locked. I tried to open the bedroom door, but it was also locked. I turned around to go back to the bathroom, but Kyle had reached it first, locking it with a key that he had on him so I couldn't get away from him.

   I backed into the door, ready to kick it and alert somebody.

   "Lose the towel" Kyle said. I shook my head. Kyle growled and walked toward me, taking hold of the towel, ready to rip it off.

   "Kyle, please" I begged.

   "I warned you last time you wouldn't like it if I had to take it off myself, yet you didn't listen. Now you're paying for that mistake"

   "No, don't!" I screamed. I started kicking the door as hard as I could and screaming. Kyle ripped the towel off me. I closed my legs and put my hands over my chest, trying to cover up my nakedness. Kyle grabbed my wrists, pinning my arms against the door so he could see my chest. He then picked me up, placing me on the bed.

   I tried to scramble away, but he grabbed me and forced me down, lying on top of me with his legs between mine and his hands holding my wrists on either side of my head.

   "I warned you, Bella. Now, lie still and this will be easier"

   "Please, don't do this! Not again, please! Let me go!" I screamed. I heard banging on the door as somebody tried to break in.

   "Shit" Kyle whispered.

   "Help! Help me! Please!" I screamed as loud as I could. Kyle covered my mouth with his hand. 

   Suddenly the door came crashing down as Jack and John grabbed Kyle, peeling him off me. I scrambled away, grabbing the comforter to cover myself up. I had tears spilling out of my eyes, sobbing hard.

   "This isn't over yet, Bella. We'll continue this later" Kyle growled, storming out of the room. Jack and John ran over to me hugging me and trying to comfort me.

   "Are you alright?" Jack asked. I sniffed.

   "Besides the fact that I think he was about to rape me, yes" I answered. John picked me up and gently set me on the bed while Jack got some clothes from the closet.

   "Change into these and rest. We'll talk to Kyle" Jack said.

   "Thank you" I replied. They left the room, so I did as I was told. I soon fell asleep, hoping Kyle wouldn't come in while I was sleeping.

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