Half Brother

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   I woke to the sound of voices and opened my eyes to see 3 guys by my bed. I jumped up and out of bed, hearing a groan and looking to see Kyle. All my memories came flooding back. Kyle kidnapped me and here I was now.

   "Are you Bella?" asked the guy with brown hair and kind green eyes. I nodded.

   "I'm Jack" said the guy next to him. They looked exactly alike, but Jack had a scar on his chin.

   "I'm his identical twin, John" said the other.

   "Nice to meet you both. What's your name?" I asked the other guy. He had bright blue eyes that were like stone and hair as black as night. He looked familiar, though I couldn't understand why. He just gave me a look and grunted.

   "That's Cole. He doesn't like anybody, especially girls" John answered for him. I nodded and looked down at Kyle. He was fast asleep and, for just a moment, he looked calm and peaceful.

   "Taylor told us to wake Kyle up, so we're gonna jump on him" said Jack. Cole grunted.

   "Bad idea" he murmured. Even his voice was familiar. John turned to look at him.

   "If you have any other ideas, do tell" he said. Cole rolled his eyes.

   "Go ahead, I'm not stopping you. I'm just saying that if this works, then today is you death day"

   "Come on, grumpy-pants. Kyle is our best buddy. He's too nice and innocent to kill us. Anyway, even though he won't admit it, he needs us"

   "Whatever" Cole grunted.

   "So, what's the plan?" I asked. John smiled.

   "Jack and I are gonna jump on him on your count, then run away as Cole tells him it's time for breakfast" he answered.

   "In a more civilized manner that's not gonna get me killed" Cole added. Jack rolled his eyes.

   "Alright, I'm in" I said. Jack and John smiled evilly as they positioned themselves. Kyle stirred.

   "If you go through with this, I'll personally kill you all" he grumbled into his pillow.

   "You wouldn't kill me, would you?" I asked. Kyle smirked.

   "Well, I'll have a bit of fun with you, first" he answered. My eyes widened in fear and I stepped away from the bed, running into Cole. He looked at me with a hint of concern.

   "Are you alright?" he asked. Kyle looked at me and worry flashed across his face as he got up and reached out for me. I pulled away, backing up till I hit the door. The twins were staring at me with concern and confusion.

   "Bella, I didn't mean..." Kyle began, but I cut him off.

   "Stay away from me, you monster. You're just like him. You're both monsters, preying on weak young girls like me" I growled. Kyle's eyes darkened.

   "I'm nothing like him" he spat. He walked toward me and pinned me to the door.

   "Let go of me. Get your filthy hands off me"

   "No. You listen to me and you listen very closely. You are mine now. I can do whatever I want with you. I thought I would have made this clear by now, but I guess I haven't. One thing is for certain, though. I may be a monster, but he is a fucking demon. He took away what was rightfully mine. He killed his own sister, your sister, and practically killed you as well. Don't you DARE compare me to him. Do I make myself absolutely clear?"

   "Y...yes" I whispered, dropping my gaze to the ground.

   "Good. Now don't you forget it" Kyle growled in my face. He grabbed my uppper arm and threw me onto the bed, walking out of the room. Jack sat down by me and put an arm on my shoulder.

   "What was he talking about?" John asked. I closed my eyes.

   "He raped me" I whispered. I heard gasps.

   "I never imagined Kyle would stoop so low" Cole growled.

   "No, not Kyle. Jake"

   "Not Jake Michaels"

   "You know him?" I asked, looking at Cole.

   "Unfortunately, yes. He's my half brother" Cole answered. I gasped. Now I know why he looked familiar. He was the spitting image of my father, and very similar to my brother. I had my father's bright blue eyes, but my mother's red hair.

   "Dad cheated?" I asked.


   "Cole, if you're Jake's half brother, you're mine as well"

   "Don't tell me you're his other sister"

   "You know about Kelly?"

   "I know he killed one of his sisters and kept the other"


   "How many times did he rape you?"

   "Twice" I whispered, my voice cracking slightly.

   "What about Kyle? Has he done anything to you?"

   "Not yet"


   "You heard him earlier. I'm scared of him. Terrified, even. He kidnapped me and took me away from the only like I ever knew"

   "Where you were beaten and raped. It was hell for you"

   "I wonder if I even knew what hell was"

   "We'll make sure he doesn't harm you" John said. Jack nodded beside him. John elbowed Cole and he cleared his throat.

   "Eh, don't get your hopes up bout me, sis" Cole grunted, his eyes showing a flash of amusement before turning to stone again. I smiled at them. At least they would protect me as long as they were close. But what if they left for a mission and it was just Kyle and I? What then?

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