Chapter 2 - Brian POV

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“so who wants to come down to Biba this afternoon?”

Freddie asked as i as hurrying around trying to look somewhat presentable for tonight. I tried to brush my hair but it just didnt seem to do anything but get the comb continualy stuck in my hair repeatidy. Roger sat there on the couch not moving an inch, the hand still bright red after yesterdays episode over at Biba so i dont think he will be going there any time soon.

“sorry mate, i got- err- plans for tonight, wont be back till late, see you later”

I said walking out the door avoiding any questioning by the pair of them in where i was going to in such a rush. I hurried down the appartment stairs, the tie hanging around my neck, shoes untied and my hair blowing everywhere in the wind, so much for my attempt at doing my hair.

I began to walk down the street whilst trying to get control over my hair and make it sit in one place without moving, mission failed, epically. It was impossibly to look presentable with my poodle like hair.

I walked by a florest, flowers, excellent. I walked in and looked around at the various pre-made bunches put together, looking for the perfect one for her. Pink, no. Purple, no. Red, yes; exclent choice, when in doubt go for the stereotypical form, good one bri.

I picked up the bundle and took it to the cashier, handing over the money, 6 pounds 40, what a rip off, but she is more than worth it. I took the flowers and continued my way to her work, wasnt far away now. I looked down at the flowers, pushing them around trying to arrange them, they had to be absolutely perfect.

I was accross the road from Biba where she works, and who to find outside the shop other than mr mercury himself, at a rack of clothes staring at something. Now i need to get there without drawing any attention to myself, but how the hell can you do that when your hair is like a friggen cloud, its impossible.

The alley way – brilliant idea brian. I continued my way down the walkway opposite her work, itll make it easier and less obvious to Freddie what i am doing, and hopefully he wont even see me if im lucky enough. I crossed the road and made my way down the side street where Biba get their incomming supplies from and knocked on the door.

“is Eileen there?”

I asked the woman who had short croped hair in a pink flowey dress. She looked behind her shoulder and pointed in her direction. I nodded my head and hid the flowers behind my back.

“so youre brian, she doesnt be quiet about you”

The girl said, bragging about how Eileen acts, it makes me feel loved that she is talking about me, just as much as i love her, but im not ready to tell the guys. I was just polite and smiled, i hated smiling it felt weird and a wind blew by so my hair went berserck... again.

“just tell her im out here waiting for her”

“do you want to come in? Its fine if you do”

The woman asked, her personality suddenly changing from seeming like a complete and total bitch to being unremarkably nice towards me, she must be the one who slapped Roger yesterday, serves him right.

“no, i think its best if i stay outside”

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