Chapter 3 - Eileen POV

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A man with long black hair and dark as night eyes was staring in my direction, it was the same man from yesterday with that blonde twat that tried shoving his tongue down agatha’s throat yesterday. What in the world was he staring at, didnt anyone ever tell him it was rude to stare, its not like im pretty or anything.

Nor was he the perfect image of beautiful either, he had teeth that protruded beyond usual which further defined his cheekbones and his hair, well it was long thats for sure, but he wasnt your usual person to walk through this store but he was a regular, probably like most men that come through here, single and looking for love, like his little blonde haired buddy who got a taste from his own medicene like he probably deserves.

“why are you so happy?”

I asked Libby as she came back from answering the door, she was hiding something from me, i could tell in the way she was acting, all high and mighty as if nothing can stop her now, but she will use whatever she knows at will to get her own way.

“oh nothing, just that someone is waiting for you at the back door”

She said, shit i forgot all about him, and tonight as a matter of fact. Im going to look horrible, he probably went out of his way to look utterly perfect for tonight, though he already is perfect. His black curly hair always unkemp and blowing all over the place, contantly annoying the bejabebas out of him, and those hazel eyes tinted with green glistening in the light, i could make me melt on the spot.


Libby said snapping her fingers bringing me back into reality.

“you can go if you like, you’ve done enough for today”

She told me. Go? How on earth could i possibly go out looking like this, i look like a sewer rat that just came out into the light for the first time, not at all acceptable to go out into what i suppose will be a fancy smancy resturant that he has arranged for us to go to.

“i cant”

I spat out, fiddling with coat hangers and placing more stock onto the racks to give me something to do. I went to get more hangers and Libby grabbed hold of my shoulders.

“what do you mean you cant? You dont mean to tell me your going to stand up that man out there obviously in love with you, and not to mention strickingly handsom”

She said absolutely disguisted in the way in which i was behaving.

“i... i just cant”

I stuttered, it was true, i was probably more scared than what he was about this, he has probably been on plently of dates, shoved his tongue down who knows how many throats and possibly, you know, yeah. Well ive never done any of that , i havent even ever been on a date.

“you’re scared arent you?”

She asked, was it evident in the way i was behaving. That man was still staring at me from a distance and it was beginning to drive me up the wall. I couldnt speak no more, all i could manage was to nod my head to her question.

“well dont be, everything will be fine”

She said re-assuringly. She was right, there wasnt anything to be affraid of, unless he dumps me of course and leaves me stranded on the street with no where to go, leaving me all alone, but he seems better than to do that.I went to the back door and my hand glanced on the handle about to open the door before libby spoke again.

“dont tell me your going out like that”

She said shocked, i just looked at her wide eyed not knowing what lse to do than just to stare at her like that man was still staring at me like. Geeze if it werent for the fact that it would create a fuss i would slap that man senseless till he stopped staring.


Libby said searching through the racks, looking for something before pulling it out and throwing it at me to go and try on. It was a blue dress with a black belt around the waist and came mid thigh, it looked nothing like me, i looked horrible. I walked out and stood with my hands on my hips in diguist of how i looked.

“now isnt that better?”

She said, quiet happy with her choice.


I whinned to her.


I yelled as i got back to the door and had my hand on the handle with nothing to stop me from opening it this time.

“thats probably because.... YOU ARE A GIRL!”

She called out to me as i walked through the door and closed it behind me, smiling about her comment, she was the only nice one in the whole store i worked with. And it was just my luck the door decided to ajar itself and i tried to close it; pulling at the door i finnally get it shut, but falling over in the process, the clumsy clutz i am; I was caught and the overwhelming smell of flowers infused my nose. I looked up and all i could see was a black heap of  a fluff ball of hair on ones head, i knew exactly who it was.

“you look beautiful”

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