Chapter 8 - Freddie POV

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“its hers”

John stuttered, unable to completely find the words to say, he was acting really weird over this piece of metal brian happened to have trod on. He remained on the floor, looking at the piece of metal in his hands.


Brian said confused, he would be just about as confused as i am, we have only known john for not even two hours and he is already starting to confuse us with his words, roger said he was shy, but by what we are currently seeing there is no stopping him from conversing.


He said, getting up and looking around, looking like a lost dog in search for its owner, lost, afraid and alone. He slumped back onto the tree hanging his head and smashing it into the tree. Brian let go of roger and went over to john to try and rethink with him of his actions and how he is behaving.

“so this joanne... she means alot to you?”

“the world”

John replied to brains question without any second thinking. He wrapped the gold chain repeatedly around his fingers, then un-wrapping it and so forth. He just stared at the pendant and the floor not really bothered to do much else.

“so do you think she’d want you to be acting like this?”

Brian asked but john was silent and didn’t answer, not having any input of the situation. A pool of blood was beginning to form on the pathway coming from rogers arm. I wasn’t quiet sure what to do, so much was happening in such a small space of time, my brain was running with no intents to stop with the numerous tracks of thought coming and going through my head.

“uhh guys?”

“not now fred, cant you see we are busy”

Brian interrupted; well there goes that attempt at trying to help roger in his need of assistance. I laid him down, no longer able to support his body weight on my own and sat beside him, waiting for these two to resolve John’s situation so we can get back to helping roger, he is the one bleeding might i add, and a lot of blood at that.

“no... i don’t think she would”

John said and walked off, now where the bloody hell was he going, back on the road again? If it isn’t clear enough i think she has left the scene of the cafe long ago, and wasn’t going to be found here. He walked inside of the cafe, brian flanking him; to leave roger or stay with him and make sure he is alright, eh, he is a grown man, and i doubt anyone will want to bother with him to be honest, maybe we can borrow the phone as well, its worth a try.

I quickly followed after them, catching up to them at the counter of the cafe, where there was someone talking to the back of house and another at a machine making a drink of some sort, the noise was horrendous and ear splitting annoying, worse than that of Rogers high pitched dog whistle falsetto.

“can i help you?”

“yes... uhh... ummm... i-i-i wa-was wond-wondering if y-y-you have b-b-by”

John said stuttering like no tomorrow not being able to spit the words out, so this is what roger ment by him not being very conversational and unable to speak to others fluently, its all making sense now. John began to fiddle with his wallet, where i assume he had a photo of this girl Joanne that has some form of significance to him.

“have you seen this woman in the past, i dunno, hour or so?”

Brian asked the woman for john. John looked up at brian as if though thanking him without words, brian replied by just putting his hand on johns shoulder as if saying everything was going to be alright. John showed the woman the photo he had of her, the lady looking awefully confused in what she saw.

“umm... no i cant say i have... wait a second”

She told us and walked away over to the woman talking to the kitchen behind. The two were frantically whispering, none of us could make out what either were saying, occasionally they looked over towards us, i was without a doubt the most shocking thing to lay eyes upon covered in rogers blood, it was horrible, and in my new shirt too, im going to get my revenge on him. The two women walked over to the counter and looked at the photo again that john had possession of.

“yes, she was sitting over there, ordered a hot chocolate and was crying, i didn’t want to intrude”

The woman said, johns eyes lit up like no tomorrow out of excitement.

“do you know where she went?”                                                               

“she left with a man about, oh, ten minutes ago”

The woman said, this sounded too suspicious. Im assuming this was john girlfriend by the way he talks of her, so why would she be seeing another man, it doesn’t seem to piece up at all. John himself looked quiet confused at what the woman had just told him.

“you go look for her ill deal with roger”

I told the pair of them, and walked up to the counter.

“you don’t suppose by any chance you can call an ambulance do you, my friends out cold and bleeding excessively from the arm.”

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