Chapter 12 - Freddie POV

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“there brian... there... look at her... there she is”

I told brian pointing to the same girl ive been watching each time we came to Biba, we sat in the garden bed, i felt bored so i began to put flowers in the curls of his hair, he didn’t seem to mind at all, any other time, he would chuck a complete mental spit.

“you’re not even looking, she is riiight... there”

I said as she came back into view, he just stared down at the floor not bothering to look in the direction i wanted him to. He was worse than john, but i guess at least brian can leave the apartment, john won’t even leave his room.

“i saw”

He mumbled as i continued to put grass and flowers of the sort into his hair, more and more, im going to take advantage whilst i can, its not everyday i can do this and make brian look like a giant pixie with flowers in his hair.

“no you didn’t, somethings wrong... what is it?”

“its her”

Brian replied, beginning to take whatever i could get my hands on out of his hair, taking strands of it out as he did so. What is it with me and ruining everyones life, roger wants to be dead after what happened a couple of days ago, and for some stupid reason was disappointed that i didn’t end up doing so, how in the world could he even think for a second that i would want to kill him.

“her? Who is she?”

I asked, brian shook his head and items fell out by the hundreds, combing his fingers through his hair even more fell out, he looked all glum and pale about the subject matter, his eyes starting to go red as if though he was going to cry.

“its not joanne, you weren’t in a relationship with her aswell, because you know john will be wanting to kill yo-“

“its not Joanne... her name is Eileen, she is riiigght... there”

Brian said discreetly pointing to the girl in which i had been. He knew her? And never bothered to tell me about it till now, oh god, i feel like such an idiot now. im hitting on Brians girl, of couse he is going to feel uncomfortable.

“shit... im sorry brian... oh god, far out... why in the world am i the one to go around ruining peoples lives”

“it wasn’t you, we fell out, it had nothing to do with you, it was more me”

“what happened?”

I asked before i realised what i had just said. Brains voice was quivering as he spoke. I was an asshole for asking him what happened between the two of them, he wiped his eyes and stared at me, they were red and puffy, hed obviously been crying and just avoiding showing that he was.

“what happened? Well shit happened.”

He said plainly said avoiding any contact with me from then on. He sat there and twiddled with his thumbs, his fingers interlocking with another as he did so. I picked up another flower and put it in his hair, and once again he didn’t seem to care one bit.

“im... im sorry”

“don’t be, she is a wonderful girl none the less... you should go talk to her”

Brian said pushing back his hair and scratching the back of his neck in the same instant, i could sense uneasiness about the whole situation and was contemplating his advice, i didn’t want him to feel more crap than what he already was.

“go on”

He encouraged. I got up and fiddled with my fingers, i felt incredibly edgy, i could just turn back now and go back to the apartment and forget all about this... Eileen.. i think brian said her name was, and nothing will ever happen and brian wont be constantly put down and so on.

I looked back and it looked as though brian was invisibly shooing me towards the shop to her. With a flourish of his hands i obeyed, and continued walking on into the shop. She was at a rack putting blue dresses of various shades onto hangers, i walked up to her, but i couldn’t get the words out i felt like a fish out of water trying to breathe.


I managed to say hoarsely as she continued on with her job. She looked up, her eyes fluttering as if in slow motion, and her lips slowly parted into a smile. Her eyes outlined heavily with eyeliner and mascara, accompanied with a dark eye shadow making it look as if though she had been bashed black and blue in the eye.

“Piss off”

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