Chapter 13 - Bree POV

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"This is Queen – a Brian May composition, for the first time anywhere... on the planet. The album... Queen... out in July"

The radio presenter’s voice bussed out of the alarm, a song beginning to play the intro; from a band i knew nothing about, but already just by the intro i liked the kind of music they made just by listening to this song; the guitars intro was stunning, absolutely amazing and intricate, captivating me from the word go.

I got out of bed throwing on a flannelette shirt and a pair of denim jeans, not really bothering with rushing around; i didn’t have to be at the shoot till 10 this morning, so i had all the time in the world. I turned off the bedroom alarm and ran down the stairs and into the kitchen turning on the wireless radio with haste to listen to the remainder of the song.

“Well I sold a million mirrors

In a shop in Alley Way

But I never saw my face

In any window any day

Well they say your folks are telling you

To be a super star

But I tell you just be satisfied

To stay right where you are”

A strong voice sang through the speakers, infusing the whole room with his one voice, the drums echoing through, carrying the beat of the song the whole way through. The soft bass only able to be heard, but you couldn’t really notice it with that guitar overpowering the  entirety of the song with the repetitive riff though catchy and in no way annoying like some can become over time during the course of a song.

I grabbed myself a cup of coffee, just the thing i need to wake myself up as i grabbed my day planner off the bench to see how busy i am today. Sitting down i ignore everything and absorb the song and that amazing guitar riff.

I closed my eyes as a drumming section began, generally after the drums a guitar is followed, but the drumming was just as good, but nothing could compare to that guitar. I invisioned a tall man, long spindly fingers strumming the chords with ease. Then a somewhat balletic piece began to sift through, how in the world you could do that with a guitar i have no clue, i cant even play a simple chord let alone that.

The melodic guitar was soon overpowered by the strong crystal clear voice of the vocalist singing a line of the song before it dramatically changed and every instrument toned down but the patter of what i assume to be a closed high hat and a faded guitar chord.

“Do you think you're better ev'ry day”

Said a hoarse raspy voice, no longer the lead vocalist, this startled me causing me to open my eyes and stare at the radio in confusion.

“No I just think I'm two steps nearer to my grave”

A nasally warm voice said, it was like honey i suppose, i quite liked it, it wasn’t to high nor too deep, just right, so in other words perfect. It began to repeat the lyrics so i opened my planner continuing to listening to the remainder of the song. Taking a sip of my coffee i examine the diary; there is no appointment for 10 written down, i look above to see it was for 8, looking over to the clock i spray the mouthful of coffee that was in my mouth; realising i only have half an hour to get to the studio instead of the approximate two hours.

Abandoning the coffee and ignoring the song i begin to prance around like a chicken with its head cut off, grabbing everything i need. I run to the bathroom grabbing an elastic and tying my hair back in a messy pony tail, kind of glad i got dressed earlier and didn’t have to bother changing; that would have just taken too much time.

“and that is Queen with Keep Yourself Alive”

The presenter announced as i Grabbed the camera bag from my personal studio before rushing over to the bench which has one of many make up kits, just hoping its the right one i need seeing as i only have one hand and not a lot of time left to take them all down to the car. I flick the switch behind me and slam the door, running down the stairs into the driveway.

Throwing the bags into the passenger seat of the car, i hop in myself, shoving the key into the ignition, the car roaring to life. Whilst shutting the door i begin to reverse out of the drive and onto the main road; too much of a hurry to be safe and shut the door before driving, hell i didn’t have a seat belt on.

the lights turned red, brilliant, this gave me the time to fix myself up. I pulled the seat belt across and locked it in before opening the make up case to make myself look presentable and so it didn’t look like i had just woken up out of bed and came straight here.

The lights turned green just in the nick of time, done, flooring the accelerator i begin to realise this isn’t where the studio is, great, just what i needed; to get lost and running low on time. Doing a u-turn i get to the right street, parking the car, grabbing the bags and flying out of the car, shutting the door with my foot and legging it to the studio.

I was taking the stairs two at a time, loosing my breath but i had to be on time, or else i could practically loose the business. I look down at my watch. 5 to eight.

“i still got time, plenty of time”

I say to myself before looking up at the remaining stairs left to climb, i could die right now, i absolutely hate stairs, i don’t know why they just don’t get a elevator installed, or better, get the one they already have repaired, i was beginning to get annoyed and critiquing every little detail wrong about this apartment flat used as a studio.

I reach the door 201B, finally. I stop at the front of the door, catching my breath as i laid my hand on the door handle getting ready to open the door. I push open the door and barge my way through, only to stumble on the laces of my shoes and fall over, though i didn’t completely fall to the ground, i was caught by a man shadowed by the dim lighting, being able to only make out an outline of the person that had caught me.

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