Chapter 15 - John POV

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Roger was beginning to become very fidgety and frustrated with standing there and staring dead straight at the camera, this would have to be the fiftieth photo she has taken of us completely naked other than the shorts we were wearing which didn’t cover much.

Then there was a sudden burst of light catching me by surprise, i tried not to jump at the unexpected flash of the camera, normally they count down, but i think we are all just that sick of photos being taken that we all just zone out.


Bree dragged out looking at the Polaroid that had just been projected and examining it in detail. Roger got down from the stand he was on, rubbing his eyes and nearly stumbling over in the same instant.

“thats a wrap”

She announced, thank goodness for that. I walked over to the window, not knowing what else to do, and knowing Rogers impenitentness he would hog the dressing room for who knows how long, all he did was complain on how cold he was, trying to get us to see the supposed goose bumps that were forming on his arm, we all just though he was being a sook.

I stared at the surroundings around the studio, luckily the windows were tinted, otherwise that would have been just awkward, someone just casually walking by and just happens to look up and sees a shirtless man standing there in the window, i know id be creped out.

I felt a hand rested on my shoulder, i looked up from the window and realised it was Brian. He smiled half heartedly and stared out the window, not making any contact with me, just being there for comfort, i suppose no matter how much i wanted to say don’t touch me and leave me alone, he was really the only one who understood what it was like in some sense.

I went back and stared out the window, it was just getting to midday so everything was beginning to get busy and the rush of midday was coming upon us.

“its going to be al- Eileen?”

Brian said, completely changing the sentence he was about to say and blurted out a name instead of alright .i saw Freddie’s’ head snap in our direction; Brian took his hand off my shoulder and pressed his nose against the glass staring down out of the building at a person crouched down beside a tree on the sidewalk. Brian opened the window; letting in the horrid cool air from outside into the studio and shoved his head out of the window.


Brian yelled out of the window. The scene looked suspicious from the way she looked up, kind of startled that someone noticed her and that she didn’t do a thing.  It took her a while to take in that someone was actually talking to her and to recognise it was Brian seeing as he wasn’t wearing a shirt by what she could see, god, the scene of the two of us practically naked sounds suspicious in itself.

“Brian! Quick... come down here!”

I heard the voice yell up to Brian. And without a second though or hesitation Brian pulled his head back into the studio, nearly taking it of in the rush to run out of the doors of the studio and down the many flights of stairs.

Freddie following after him like myself, we all just practically ditched Roger to let him get dressed. From the moment Freddie heard the confused word Eileen that came from brains mouth Fred was instantaneously intrigued as if it were a signal that food is ready come and get it.

The pair of them burst outside into the side walk, whilst i stood behind the open door, feeling somewhat insecure in the way in which i was dressed. I saw the faces of the people passing by looking somewhat confused and revolted that the two of them could come out onto the streets looking like they were, it must have triggered many possible situations in the minds of those people, i could name a few.

“what is it?”

Brian asked, moving forward closer to the tree, what is so damn interesting about a tree, there are plenty of them around. One there.... another over there.... and one right over near that little shop around the corner, i wasn’t quiet enthralled in this one specific tree and i don’t see why they should be either. I heard a cat whistle from above and so did Fred i presume because his head cocked up instantaneously in the direction the noise had came from.

“oh piss off you wimp”

He called up, i presume it was Roger by the way he was talking, i heard a window slam and Freddie looked back at Brian who suddenly turned a whiter shade of pale. He looked ghastly white like a child dressing up in a white sheet pretending to be a ghost it was starting to creep me out and suspecting that he was going to suddenly turn green and throw up his breakfast, which personally wouldn’t be a pleasant experience on my behalf.

“What... What is it!”

I yell at him but he stays silent, pushing Freddie out of the way whose jaw dropped as he looked in the direction of the tree. Brian grabbed me gently by the arm and pulled me away from the protection the door gave me from revealing myself. The girl Eileen and Freddie stood up clearing the way for the two of us, giving me full view of what they were all enthralled about with the tree.

There, laying on the ground beside the tree, propped up on the trunk sat joanne. Beaten and bruised on what i could see to be every part of her body, blood stained clothes i remember she was wearing the day i left her, the day she disappeared.

“Jo... JOANNE... don’t be dead... please don’t go.... im here.... everything will be fine... youll be alright.”

I cooed to her lifeless body, cradling her in my arms. I could feel tears streaming out of my eyes, why wasn’t anyone doing anything, all the did was stare at me, holding her limp body in my arms, watching me cry, doing nothing to help.


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