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Since Inez is making me write non-stop...Here ya go.

Percy POV

I stand in the middle of the arena staring at the sky with silent tears running down my cheeks and making little puddles in the dust on the floor. "Oh Aphrodite. Why must you torment me....." I whispered.

"Being sorry for yourself ain't gonna help Jackson." A girls voice called from the stands. I jumped and looked to see Alexis, daughter of Aphrodite. She just pops out of nowhere doesn't she...Definitly the scariest daughter of the goddess of love i've ever seen. She was dressed in black combat boots, purple jeans, and a t-shirt that said "Black Veil Brides" On it. Gods of Olympus she's strange.

"What do you care Alexis?" I asked with an eye roll. She just scoffed and walked over to me hands in her pockets.

"I may hate her, but talking to Aphrodite wont solve your issues. You and Annabeth are perfect for eachother. And if you're just going to let her slip through your fingers like that. You're an idiot. Find a solution. Aren't you the amazing heroic Percy or whatever? Shouldn't you be able to do this? Of course you can! Do you love her?" 

"Of course i love her! But..." I started

She just smirked and looks at me. "I hope that isn't doubt Percy. Because if it is that means you don't actually love her. If you truely love that girl you'd die for her, kill for her, do anything for her. But now you're just standing here not even trying. Aren't you an amazing boyfriend." she put on a pair of sunglasses and walked away but not before shouting once she was at a distance "Dont make me give you another speach Jackson!"

I sighed and sat down. Alexis is right. But what can i do? I sat there and thought for about an hour before it clicked. 


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