My brain hurts....And that's never happened before....

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Annabeth's POV

After smacking.......What's his name again? Peter? No........Percy! That's his name! I walked back to my cabin and sat on my bunk crying. Why would he do that?! He knows I'm dating Anubis doesn't he?! Doesn't everyone know?! I hope Anubis didn't see......I was crying my eyes out when Mavis walked into the room. 

"Annie are you alright?" She asked. I just whimpered. "Yeah i thought you were upset. Why did you smack Percy?"

I started sobbing louder and she just sighed and walked out trying to give me some space. About ten minutes of horrible sobbing i noticed a bunch of pictures on the wall next to my bed. They were all of...........Percy? Why do i have pictures of him? Then I suddenly heared this consistant beeping sound. I looked around but saw nothing. The sound got louder and louder until that's all i could think about. I covered my ears but it wouldn't stop. It was ringing over and over inside my head. I was sure i was going crazy. I fell to my knees and started screaming but I couldnt even hear my own screams. All i could hear was that terrible beeing sound. I opened my eyes only a little bit to see my siblings and that guy.......Percy...standing there staring at me lookign extremely worried. But i suddenly lost my vision and i started screaming again. The beeping...Constant constant beeping. Why wont it stop!? Someone make the beeing stop!? I just continued to scream. Suddenly the beeping stop. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't obey. I felt like i was floating on air....Floating so peacefully...I giggled quietly. The beeping stopped. Finally.....

I heared distant voices whispering my name. I giggled and tried to float towards them but couldnt seem to move. I pouted and continued straining to move. The voices got more and more distant but i could still hear one voice. One voice.........What was his name..........I could picture him. Sea green eyes, Messy black hair that would never get straight no matter how times i brushed it, tan, amazing, heroic, That's right............Anubis. 

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