14. Jealous

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Harry's POV

Monday mornings weren't my favorite. I'm sure they're nobody's favorite. I woke up to my phone ringing like crazy. It was Louis, typical of him calling to confirm that I'd be coming. He doesn't like going to school on Mondays when I'm not present. Or Disha, I suppose. Completely forgot about her situation.

I managed to walk to school while eating a toast on my way. Luckily I found company half way. "Hey, how was your Sunday?" Disha asked me first thing when she approached. "Huh, amazing. Gem went to meet this friend of hers who's supposedly Liam's cousin too. He was there along with Zayn. And guess what? Zayn was there. So was the guy I used to crush on, Gregory." I told her everything about it. I couldn't stop thinking about Zayn.

I'm already in love with that idiot.

"Wow, that must have been thrilling." She replied with a smile. "And sorry for not picking up your call last night, I was very busy. It was a Sunday night, Harry. I told you not to call me then." She gave me an apologetic smile.

"What's on Sunday Night?" I asked, then I caught on the answer before she could say it. "Game of Thrones. Got it." I said with a smile. I loved that series, I usually watch it on Mondays on my PC. I preferred the uncensored one.

"Seriously, I miss Joffrey after watching that episode. You should really check it out. Tommen's fucking shit up." She said and I simply smiled. I was still thinking about the way Zayn smiled at me at the dining table. My heart died for a moment.

Gregory is an amazing person. He's tall, good looking and has a good sense of humor too. He would have been great for me. I can tell that he liked me too. But I can't think of him because of Zayn. My mind keeps on chanting his name, or Gemma keeps mentioning him. I can't deal with this.

We reached school on time, and Disha parted ways with me saying that she didn't want to meet Louis now. She promised she would sort everything out during lunch. I even saw that creepy guy named Max staring at her. Weird.

I saw Louis near his locker stood there, waiting for somebody. I walked towards him and patted his shoulder. "Good morning, Tomlinson." I greeted him with a smile. He looked at me and snorted. Great start. "What's up with you?" I asked him with a chuckle.

"What's up with me? My life is hell." He started off. "You know my sister Viola? The one who finished her college this year? She finally came to visit and dragged me to this great restaurant to meet her friend. I was like, fine, free food! But nope. It came with a price." He said, sounding horribly disappointed with himself. Interesting.

"So Viola's friend's name was Emma. Emma as in Ronnie's super cool sister. Ronnie as in Marlo's best friend. And Ronnie had to accompany Marlo with her." Louis finished with a sigh. At first I wonder why meeting Marlo was such a disappointment for him. Then I remembered he slept with her. "Oh. Well, what happened then?" I asked with a smirk.

"Ronnie and I pretended to be friends for our sister's stake. I pretended to know Marlo. We all pretended to be great friends. It was so fake, I felt like a Kardashian." He said while looking into my eyes. "I like Marlo." He added.

"Uh, what?" I think I heard it wrong. "You can't like her. She's Zayn's." As much as I didn't like to say that, it was true. Louis coughed, pulling my arm and turning me into another direction. I saw Zayn walking with Niall and Liam. No Marlo on his side. That's weird, yet satisfying. "If Zayn does acknowledge you now, I'll try making a move on Marlo." Louis whispered to me. I kept on staring at Zayn as he made his way down the hallway while talking to Liam.

Niall's eyes were stuck to his phone. But he quickly looked up, and then straight at me. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Liam saw me too, he poked Zayn two times before pointing at my direction. And there it was.

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