34. It's All Fake

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November 7th, Sunday. 9 more days to go.

Harry's POV

Louis called me yesterday to ask if I was okay after the weird date and told me that Marlo had moved to New York. It was kind of surprising at first, but then again, Marlo Grande could do anything unpredictable. He said it was completely unplanned and nobody knew except for her close friends. He had heard the news from Niall.

Gemma's been talking to me as if I'm going to die in a few days. She thinks I'm too broken after my breakup and now completely mashed up after the horrendous date. It's always about me, so when I tried to bring up Alex into the conversation, she just shuts me off.

"It's different." That's what she said to me when I brought her so called ex lover. She's going back to London in a few days and I would miss her terribly. I thought about the situation for a while before texting Zayn if he could meet me at the same café. He agreed to meet around at 5 pm.

So I'm ready with my offer and I inform Gemma that I'd be come by eight. I had planned to visit Louis and binge watch Orange Is The New Black if my plan failed. Which is likely to fail 98%. She sounded happy when I said I was going to talk to Zayn for one final time because 'I couldn't take the pain of being apart'.

Right now I was sat at my table, waiting for Zayn who said he'd be here in five minutes. It had been fifteen minutes and I felt like I had been stood up. He did come in that exact moment, apologizing like crazy and complaining about his sisters. He ordered a cappuccino before looking at me.

"What's up?" He said. "Missing your boyfriend?"

"You got rid of Evan?"

"Yeah." He said with a smile. "Sorry about that. He's never going to talk to me for sure. Called me a dick for messing with him. Anyways, it's for the best."

I nodded at that. Zayn seemed a little nervous today. Never seen Zayn like this before. He cleared his throat before looking up at me. "Okay, Harry. You need to understand that—" He started off but I shushed him. "I know what you're gonna say." I whispered.

"You do?" He asked, completely horrified as I nodded. "I want you to be my boyfriend again. Gemma's so upset for me. I just want her to go back to London with a pleasant mind. Please let's just continue this for nine more days. We're good friends now so it won't be awkward. I'm gonna go to NYU after some months so you'll never see me. Just nine more days before we go back to being friends, then acquaintances."

He seemed amused for a moment as he sunk into his seat. I knew he wasn't going to take this well. Good God, I should have made Liam my fake boyfriend. He was hot enough. And gay too. Maybe we could have actually been something. Rather than this pathetic mess with Zayn perfection Malik.

"Okay." He said. "I can do that. Let's get to your house and I'll tell your sister that I couldn't be without you. She'll buy that, won't she?"

"Yeah, sure!" I replied. Yay, score. "She'll be excited. We should hurry. It's almost six."

"Sure thing. It's a short walk from here anyway." He said as we got up and walked back to my house without uttering a single word. I really think there was something else that Zayn was going to tell me if I didn't cut him off. Had he found a new girlfriend? Never mind. Didn't matter.

It's all fake.


"I have a key, Gemma might not hear the bell above the music." I said as I fished out the key from my pocket. Zayn just nodded along as I unlocked the door and opened it before walking in with Zayn on my heels.

Then there was some crashing. I screamed at the scene and Zayn just stared.

Gemma was there, right on the couch. She was making out with this person who got terrified of my scream and got up. Gemma looked more horrified than me as she glanced at both of us.

"We got back together?" It came out more like a question from my mouth as I intertwined my fingers with Zayn's and held it up for her to see. She instantly smiled at that. "Hey, that's great news!" She said. I nodded before looking at the stranger who had been making out with my sister.

"Um, Harry." Gemma said as I looked at her. "This is Alex, Alex, my younger brother Harry." She introduced us.

"Alex? Oh." I said before looking at the pretty lady. She was as tall as Gemma, long blond hair and bright blue eyes. "Nice to meet you, Harry." She said. British accent. Right, she was from London.

"You never told me you were into girls." I said. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wasn't sure myself." She muttered. Zayn was just grinning like an idiot. "I wish they'd continue like we didn't exist." He whispered to me. I would slap him if I could, but right now, we just stood there in awkward silence.


Disha's POV

Zayn and Harry have such a fucked up relationship. Somebody should write a book on it. Harry loves Zayn, and everybody knows that Zayn loves Harry. But hey, they're still not together. Why? Because life sucks.

"Di, can you do my hair?" Arpita asked me with a bright smile on her face. I would tell her to go away, but I wasn't doing anything and I was still rejected by Louis. So I just nodded and told her to sit down in front of me on the couch. I had been watching Friends for a while and babysitting her while my parents were out on dinner.

The doorbell went off as I groaned. "Can you take that?" I asked Arpita. She nodded excitedly before running towards the door. Good job, Disha. Way to babysit your nine year old sister. Send her to take the door all alone!

"It's Boobear!" She said excitedly before I heard Louis' voice. "Hey there, haven't seen you in a while!" He started chatting up with Arpita. I got up and walked towards the door to see him standing there.

"Hey." I said with a smile. He looked up at me and grinned. "Hi." He said.

"Anu, go to your room." I instructed her as she frowned at us before running back to her room. "Come in." I said as he nodded before closing the door behind him.

"Did you hear that Marlo moved to New York?" He said as we sat down on the couch. "I did, what a surprising news. Niall told me." I said. I was seriously horrified after hearing that. Did she really leave because Zayn broke up with her? Wow.

"Yeah, and are you free Monday night?" He asked. "From seven to nine. That's all I ask."

"Sure. I don't have anything to do. What's up?"

"Would you go on a date with me?" He asked.

I just stared at him for two minutes. This was Louis Tomlinson. Right there, my best friend of four years who had supposedly let me down after my confession, asking my out on a date.

"Why not, that'd be a pleasure." I said with a smile as he chuckled. "Yay. If you refused, I was planning on telling you that Harry dared me to do this."

"Did he?"

"Psh, he barely calls me if it's not for picking him up after failed dates or talking about Zayn Malik." He said with a smile. I just laughed at that before looking at him. Hell yes, Marlo moving turned out to be a good thing.


Yay, so Louis got his shit together and Zarry are back on the fake relationship!
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(The questions will be answered in a different chapter tomorrow, sorry x)

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