20. Harry's First Time

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A/N: Thank you sooo much ❤️❤️

Harry's POV

After recess, Gregory and I had English together so I told him to save me a seat since I had to get a book from my locker. After that, when I reached the class and saw Greg right behind, with a seat empty beside him, I started heading there. But a hand got hold of my wrist and pulled me to a closer seat.

"Sit here." Zayn said. "You remember our deal. You listen to me while I be the perfect boyfriend."

"Fine." I muttered. I turned around and gave Gregory an apologetic smile and he just smiled back. I looked at Zayn with a smirk. "Jealous much?" I teased.

"Very." He replied without even smiling at me. I went red with embarrassment and at the same moment our teacher walked in. I did my best to not burst out of tension during the whole lecture.

"What do you have last?" Zayn asked me when the bell rang. "Lacrosse practice." I replied. "Free period for some guys in our team so we practice till the other guys join in." I continued.

"Lame." He said. "Is douche going to be there?"

"Yes. He's the one who gives the best advice and he's on the team. So of course, he's there." I said while getting up. Gregory was by my side as we left the class. Zayn was right behind us.

"Listen Trevor, I gotta talk to Harry for a moment." Zayn said before grabbing my arm and tugging me to a side. "What have you told him about your relationship status?" Zayn asked me.


"That's it?"

"Single and you have very beautiful eyes?" I said with a smile. That's what I told Gregory when he asked me about my current status. I just wanted him to know that I was available and needy. I've been a virgin for 18 years and Zayn was off having sex with Marlo and it wasn't fair. I wanted to get laid too.

"You told him he has beautiful eyes? You're an idiot." He said. Of course, I'm always the idiot. "Listen, I'm going to call you after school. At ten. You only answer in yes and no. You got it?" He asked. I just nodded. With that, he left me alone.

"Zayn really doesn't like me. Does he?" I heard Gregory ask behind me. I turned to him and chuckled. "Zayn's missing out big time. And he's a dick so it doesn't matter. Come on, we gotta hurry to the laboratory or we'll be late." I said before grabbing his arm and running towards the science lab.


The practice after school went great. The coach said some very nice things to me and my day was made. Zayn made sure to annoy the hell out of me whenever he saw me during a class. He would ignore me if his now blond babe was with him. She looked horrible as a blonde. I hoped Zayn told her that.

Greg and I were the last ones to arrive at the changing room since we were caught up with the coach, technically I was but Greg decided to wait for me. "You're fantastic at this game. Why didn't you join before?" Greg asked me when I opened my locker and got my clothes out. "Was never interested. Soccer seemed nice but the practice is always brutal and... Zayn is hard on people he doesn't like." I replied smugly. I had heard about those horrible practices.

"Yeah, what's up with Zayn? Why does he hate me so much?" Greg asked as he took off his jersey. I didn't mean to look at his revealed torso but I did. His tan skin was gleaming with sweat and damn, how did he get those abs?

"Hello? Asked you a question, Harry." His voice made me look up at his face again. He smirked when he realized I had been staring at his exposed chest all along. He walked closer to me as I coughed a bit. "Um, I told you. Zayn's a douche who hates everybody he thinks is better than him." I said, looking away from him.

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