29. The Big Date

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November 2nd, Tuesday. 14 more days to go.

Zayn's POV

I stopped right in front of Harry's house. I knew that Marlo would try calling me, and I was sure she was going to stomp into my house and throw my stuff around till my mother chases her out. Worst of all, she'll tell the whole school about 'the thing'. "Thank you for the ride." Harry said with a smile. "Yeah, it's fine." I replied and looked at him for a moment before sighing. "Can I stay here today?"

"Like, stay here till tomorrow?" He asked, with a worried look on his face. I nodded. "Yeah, more things to get Gemma into believing our undying love for each other. Come on in, and park your vehicle somewhere." He said before getting out of the car and closing the door. I turned on the engine and looked around for a parking space.

After I was done parking my precious five blocks away, I walked the whole way back to Harry's house. On my way I texted mom about a high school girl likely to break into my room and break stuff. She simply asked if Marlo found out about Harry and I just replied with a 'Yes'. She didn't go all momzilla on me for staying at Harry's.

I noticed the door to his house was open and he was stood there, glaring onto nothing. "I thought you'd reach here by midnight." He muttered before walking inside. "Thank you for letting me stay, boyfriend." I replied to that as I walked in and closed the door slowly behind me.

Music was blaring from the kitchen as Harry walked straight into his room and shut the door. Okay, that was very nice of him. I glanced at the kitchen to see Gemma chopping off vegetables while humming to the music.

"I love Sam Smith." I said. She stopped chopping and looked up at me with a smile. "Yeah, he's a legend. I saw him at Tesco once. He was nice enough to take a picture with me." She replied.

"Wow, that's awesome." I said. "Um, so I'm staying here tonight."

"Oh yes, Harry did tell me about it. So, you like chicken or fish?" She asked, lowering the volume of the speaker. "I like them both, really." I said with a smile.

"Good. I've just got fish for now." She said with a laugh. "Harry eats whatever that he gets. That's a great thing. You should talk to him, he seemed a little upset today." She sounded a bit more serious.

Oh yes, my ex girlfriend is going to kill us both so we're both highly upset.

"Yeah, he had a bit of a hard day. I'll talk to him, don't worry about it." I said to her assuring before walking over to Harry's room. I opened the door and walked in, only to be hit by his enormous school bag. "What the fuck?" I said as I closed the door to see him put on his track pants in haste.

"I was changing, you dick. You could have just knocked!" He said before grabbing a T-shirt and putting it on. I chuckled and plopped onto the bed. "Nothing I haven't seen before, Harry." I told him.

"Nothing I want you to see again." He muttered. "Your mom's okay with you spending your night here? Like, it's a school night." He asked as he sat down beside me on the bed.

"Yeah, she knows I'll be fine. I've spent school nights at Niall's and Liam's loads of times. And Marlo's too." I said. Good Lord, I really shouldn't talk about Marlo.

"Harry, I'm coming in!" It was Gemma's voice through the door. She opened it, looked at both of us before walking closer. "Okay, so the thing is, nothing is actually prepared for dinner right now." She started with a small laugh.

"And guess what? I didn't tell you about this but I was in a relationship with this person, who was a legit asshole to me during the breakup. But, that person called me and invited me to their apartment right now to set things up." She said. "And, now that the person wants to talk, I do want to mend things up. So, I have to get ready. Um, they're living at a hotel nearby."

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