Chapter 9

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I woke up this morning and when I tried to sit up I started to feel light headed so I rested my head back down on the pillow. I thought to myself,"Oh man, I don't feel so good."

Hinata came in and said,"Hey sis, why aren't you up?"

I looked at Hinata through my dizzy vision and I said,"Hinata *Cough* *cough*" Hinata noticed my weakened condition and she said,"Are you all right? Let me feel your forehead."

Hinata placed her hand on my forehead and it felt nice feeling the coolness from it. Hinata's eyes widen and said,"You've got a terrible fever! Jeez, you warned Aoi not to overwork himself look who's talking now?" I said,"Don't start Hinata, I don't have the energy." Hinata then said,"Oh brother, do you think you can make it to Wakasa's clinic?"

"I think so, but I still feel so weak." I said as I couldn't even move. Hinata then said,"Let me help you get changed and I'll take you to Wakasa's clinic."

"Thanks Hinata." I said as she helped me up. After Hinata helped me get changed I leaned on her shoulder and she took me to Wakasa's clinic. Once we got there we were in the waiting room and I started to feel even more light headed than I was before. Hinata then said,"You look worse than you were this morning, are you gonna be all right?"

"I don't think so, maybe you should've gone and brought Wakasa to Kyokatei instead of the other way around, *Cough!* *Cough*" I suddenly fell forward but Wakasa came in time and caught me. Wakasa said,"Whoa, you look rough."

"Don't joke about it..." I said weakly. Wakasa placed his hand on my forehead and said,"You've got a terrible fever." Hinata then said,"That's what I said this morning but maybe it wasn't a good idea to move her in this condition." Wakasa then said,"Well you did the right thing bringing her here, I'll look after you go home and tell Kinshiro that I'll bring Kira back later." Hinata then said,"All right."

After I went into one of the rooms Wakasa lets me rest my head on his shoulder. I started to blush while I was resting my head on his shoulder and he said,"How are you feeling? Your cheeks are bit red?"

I said,"It must the fever." Wakasa then said,"Sure it is, anyway I've already given you some medicine for your fever you should be fine within a few minutes once you get some rest."

"All right, thanks." I said as I closed my eyes.


Kira's eyes closed and she was snoring softly. I smiled and said,"Rest easy Kira and try not to overwork yourself again." I said as I laid her gently on the bed. I then placed a damp cloth on her forehead as she slept. I left the room and I continued to check up on the other patients.



I slowly opened my eyes and I felt my forehead and there was a damp cloth on my head. I took it off my forehead and I sat up and I noticed that there was a cushion next to me. I placed my hand on it and it felt warm meaning someone was recently here in the room. Just then Wakasa came in and said,"You're awake good."

Wakasa has got a tray of food along with some water. He sat down next to me and said,"Here, you must be hungry, you've been resting the entire day your fever must have been horrible." I was surprised at this and I said,"Really? How long was I asleep?" Wakasa then said,"For quite a while, have you seen outside?" I looked out of the window and it was mid-afternoon. I was a bit shocked and I said,"Oh, that long huh? Hinata is gonna go nuts."

"Nah, Soji came over earlier and he said he was going to let Knishiro know how you are doing." Wakasa said. I said,"Oh so that's who came over." Wakasa then said,"Well anyway, how are feeling?" I said,"My fever doesn't feel that bad as it was this morning." 

"You sure? Come here." Wakasa said as he wrapped his arm around me and he placed his head on top of mine. I blushed at what he was doing. Wakasa saw this and said,"You're a little red."

"I-I'm fine, really

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"I-I'm fine, really."I said. Wakasa then said,"You sure? Let me feel your head." Wakasa placed his head on my forehead and said,"Well you don't seem that bad than you were this morning, but I still recommend that you get some more rest when you go home."

"All right thanks, Dr Wakasa." Wakasa helped me up and then he walked me back to kyokatei. Once we got there Hinata was sweeping outside and then she ran over to me and said,"Kira, welcome back, how are you feeling?"

"A lot better than I was from earlier this morning, but Dr Wakasa recommends that I should get some more rest." I said. Hinata then said,"Good, some of us were a bit worried you've gone for almost the entire day, I guess i can go and let the old man know that you're back."

Just then someone smacked hinata over the head and she said,"OW!" Kinshiro was standing behind Hinata and he smacked her over the head and said,"Watch it Hinata! I'm not that old."

Hinata rubs her head and said,"Sorry, sheesh." Kinshiro then said,"Anyway, it's good to have you back Kira, now go on and head back to your room and get some rest."

"All right thanks Kinshiro." I said as I headed back to my room.


I watched that beautiful Blondie enter into the building and I thought to myself,"So that girl IS Yamasaki's daughter, I better do something about this and soon."

I walked away from Kyokatei and I headed back to my office.


I was standing in the shadows and I watched as Willem kept his eyes glued on Kira meaning that's going to do something to her. I better watch him like a hawk and see what he's planning to do.


As I laid in bed I felt a shiver go through my spine. I sat up and I thought to myself,"I just got a horrible feeling all of a sudden, like I'm being watched by someone."

I looked out of the window and I thought to myself,"I don't see anyone out there, it must have been my imagination, I hope."

I laid back down and before I fell asleep I thought about that hooded man I saw the other day. I wonder if he was still out there and just who the heck is he? Is he someone I know? he seems oddly familiar to someone I knew. So many questions were going through my head and then I fell back asleep.


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