Chapter 11

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Soji, Shin, Aoi and I got rid of some of Amagai's men. Aoi said,"That's the last of them, let's just hope HE has got to Kira before Willem comes back." Soji looked at the building and said,"I hope so too." Shin then said,"Um, Mr Sasaki? Do you by any chance have a crush on Kira?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"He said. Aoi shook his head and said,"Oh brother, Shin, Soji can be dense." I nodded my head and said,"Aoi's right, Soji puts dense in a whole new meaning." Soji glared at us and shouted,"Hey! What does that mean?!"

Shin then looked at the moon and said,"But still, I'm shocked, I can't believe that hooded man was actually HIM this whole time and we all thought he was gone for good."

"...Shin's right, sister is defiantly going to get a shock of her life that's for sure." I said. Aoi then said,"Yeah, I wonder how she's going to take the news when she finds out his identity."


We managed to get out of the building alive and then I saw Soji, Aoi, Hinata and...Shin? We got to them and Hinata said,"Sis! Thank goodness you're all right!" Hinata hugged me tightly and Aoi said,"Jeez, you had us all worried Kira."

"Sorry, I didn't expect Willem to show up out of nowhere like that." I said as I released Hinata. Shin ran over to me and he grabbed me by the shoulders and said,"Kira! You idiot! Why didn't you tell me about Mr Yamasaki?!"

"What?" I asked him confused. Soji then said,"Kira, Shin knows about Renji we explained the situation to him before we came here."

"They're telling the truth, why didn't you tell me Mr Yamasaki knows about Amgai and Tori?" Shin said to me. I then said,"There wasn't time to explain, it happened so suddenly I wanted to tell you but I didn't want you to get involved with my mess." Shin said,"Jeez we've known each other since we were kids, you could have explained it to me."

The hooded man grabbed Shin's wrist and pulled it away from me. He said,"Shin that's enough, think about her feelings she did it to protect you." Shin looked at me and said,"Uh, right sorry." I looked at the hooded man and said,"Who are you anyway? How do you know me and these guys?"

"I'm an old friend, I'll explain who I am when we get back to Kyokatei, I fear Willem might be back at any time." He said. We all said,"Right." Soji picked me up bridal style and Shin followed the hooded man down the ally. Once we got back everyone else was waiting for us. Hotaka said,"Kira! You're all right."

"Sorry I had you all worried." I said. Kinshiro said,"It's fine the important thing is that you're all right now and thanks to you, you kept a close eye on her this whole time, you always were a sly old fox."

The hooded man said,"Hey, watch it Kin! You're getting old yourself." Kinshiro shouted,"Hey!" I giggled and said,"Hehe, they sound like they know each other." Sion said,"That's because they do, they're old friends."

I said,"Really?" The hooded man looked at me and said,"That's right, after all..." The hooded man removed his hood. My eyes widen at who he is because I know him. He said,"I knew he would keep my little girl safe." Tears formed around my eyes and I said,"Father!" I ran over to him and I hugged him tightly and I started to cry in his chest. Father stroked my hair and said,"It's all right, Kira I'm here."

After I calmed down I said,"But, I don't get it, I thought- everyone thought that you were-" Father cut me off saying,"Killed? Yes I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you all alone but I had to convince Amagai and Tori that I'm dead." I said,"But why?"

"You see, on that night when he came to our house my plan was to get you out of the outskirts and come here I knew Kinshiro would help us but since that plan backfired I had to hide you in the floorboards." Father said. I looked at him up and down and said,"But that still doesn't explain how you're standing here alive in front of me?"

"Let's just say I got a little memento from your grandfather." He said as he opened the collar of his Kimono and there was a samurai's chest armour and it had a large scratch mark on it. Kinshiro then said,"Ahh, so you were wearing your old man's armour at the time, clever." 

Father then said,"I know it was a bit rash but I had to keep my guard up after Amagai struck me down true I was bleeding at the time but after Amagai's men dumped me in the river I found myself in here Edo and that was when Wakasa came and found me injured after he finished a job."

I looked at Wakasa and said,"Wait Dr. Wakasa, you knew my father was alive this entire time?" Dr. Wakasa said,"After I found him injured he told me not to tell you that was still alive so I kept my mouth shut for a while." I said,"No way." Father then said,"Anyway, after I recovered from my wounds I went into hiding for a while and I watched you from the shadows but that was when I saw Willem, I knew there was a bad vibe coming from him but I'm just glad that Kinshiro kept her safe from him but acting like her boyfriend? Seriously?"

Father said as he glared at Kinshiro. Kinshiro sweat dropped and said,"Uhh, You saw that?" I said,"Uh oh." Father whacked him over the head. He then said,"Act like my daughter's boyfriend again and it's not going to be your head I'll be whacking!!"

"Pfft! Hahaha!" "Bwhahaha!!" Hinata and I burst out laughing. Aoi said,"Sheesh, that's one over protective father." Soji then said,"At least now we know where gets that bad temper from." I gave the both of them the dagger glare and said,"What did you say?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all!!" They both said. Father said,"Hahaha!! That's my girl." Kinshiro said,"Renji I'm starting to think Kira might have picked up one or two of your bad habits."

Kinshiro said as he rubbed his head. Father then said,"Anyway, like I was saying, I was watching Kira from the shadows carefully in case Amagai showed up but then I saw Kira and Hinata so I followed them to Wakasa clinic, after Hinata left I stayed with Kira for a while."

I looked at Father and said,"So it was you and not Soji?" Dr. Wakasa then said,"Like I said I had to keep my mouth shut about Renji, when I saw him I told him not to disturb you while you were sleeping but I could tell he was desperate to see you."

Father nods his head and said,"Yeah, I couldn't stay for very long though so before you woke up I left and when you were on your way back I saw Willem watching you like a hawk I knew he was going to make his move on you sooner or later, that was when he kidnapped you, I wanted to rush in and I get you out of there but Willem's house was guarded so I came back here and explained the situation to the others and well, you know the rest." I said,"So, all this time you were alive and I was so fixated on avenging you."

I was on the verge of tears again but then father ruffled my hair and said,"It's going to be all right now, I'm here and alive I'm never EVER leaving you alone again." Tears started to spill from my eyes and I hugged my father tightly again. He then said,"There, there, it's OK."

It felt so good being in my father's arms again, I missed his warmth and being in his loving arms again. Even if it was for a moment I knew that it wasn't going to last long because sooner or later we'll be making our move on Tori and Amagai and that time is approaching and soon.


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