Chapter 5

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"Clara, get your lazy ass out of bed, mom called you already like 5 times" Niall says, leaning at the doorframe.

"Go away, I'm sick"

"No you're not. You just don't want to go to school"

"Same thing." "Well your choice, you are the one getting into trouble. But if I were you I wouldn't stand up your new boyfriend on your first date", he says winking.

"First: he is NOT my boyfriend. Second: we are walking to school, that's not a date."

"Say what you want. But it is what it is. And it always will be."

"Will you shut up and go, if I get up now?" I say leaving my warm, comfortable bed behind me.

"Good morning, sweetie. How did you sleep? Are you ready to go to school?", my mom asks me in a happy singing voice. How can someone be so happy and awake at this unholy time?

"So since it's your first day back, I already expected you to get up a bit late, so I made you some lunch for school."

"Thanks mom, your the best!" I say. "Good morning, ladies" my father interrupts entering the kitchen in just a bathrobe.

"Oh, are we out of clothes?" I ask sarcastically. "Well anyway I better be going. I don't wanna be late."

"On your first date with Herbert." My brother rudely interrupts.

"His name is Harry, you dumbass. And once again it's not a date! So quit doing, whatever your up to!"

As I walk out the door I already see Harry's curly head infront of the gate. Wow, he really is handsome. Reminder to myself: Check his relationship status on facebook. No stop! You shouldn't think that, cause otherwise you'll start hoping and in the end you are left heartbroken like last time.

"Well, hello there" Harry says, interrupting my previous thoughts. "Hi, how are you?" I reply in a cheery voice.

"I'm good, what about you? Ready for the first day back at school?"

"No, not really. Just want to go back to bed. What about you? Excited for your first day at a new high-school?"

"Yes and no, I just want to get it over with." He laughs as we start walking down the street in direction of our school.

When we arrive it's already 7.54, which means we have to sit in the hall within 6 minutes. Well not exactly much time, but we'll make it. Once I open the door to the hall where our "Welcome back" speek is in, it's 7.58. Harry and me quickly find seats in the back row. Surprisingly right next to my two best friends. Melissa and Olivia.

"Hey girl, I see you made it on time. Good for you!" Olivia greets me. "Who's that?" she asks pointing in Harry's direction. We take our seats and I'm surprised that Harry is willingly sitting beside me, I thought he might go of to sit with some dudes. But then again he doesn't know anyone yet, exept me.

"Oh, sorry. That's Harry. Olivia, Melissa this is Harry. Harry this is Olivia and Melissa. My best friends." I introduce them.

"Hi, nice to meet you" Harry says. The only thing Melissa and Olivia can say or do is a simple "Yeah" and a dumbfounded look. Once they both recover, Olivia who's sitting right next to me, pokes me in the arm and whispers in my ear "Nice catch". I only raise an eyebrow at her and turn to the front. But by the smirk on Harry's face I suppose, that he heard Olivia's comment.

"Hello Ladies and gentlemen and welcome back at school. I hope you enjoyed your summer break and that you are ready to face to new year. This years major teacher are.." As Mr. Turner, the headmaster, names all the teachers who are teaching major classes, Harry pokes me in the side and hands me a note. Once I open it, I read : Hey, do you wanna do something together after school?

Under his untidy scribbeling I write a simple: Sure, what were you thinking of?

After a few moments he hands it back to me, saying: I don't know, how about pizza?

I just nod at him and he gives me a warm smile. Once I turn my attention back to Mr. Turner, I notice he's finished with his boring ass speech and name throwing, so he started to name each class and it's student. I suppose once your name is called out your supposed to grab your bag and leave, to your meeting as a major class, because I already see some students leaving.

"Major English: Anne Smith, Melizza Gerald, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Rebecca Jordan, Liam Payne, Alice Master.." I turn my attention to my right hand and ask my friends "This must be us, right?" They both nod and I inform Harry to listen for his name. I turn my attention back to the name list just in time to be hearing, "Olivia Harrison, Melissa Lison, Harry Styles and Clara O'Neill" We four get up and leave the room. "Did any of you hear what room we are supposed to be in?" I ask my four followers. Harry and Olivia both shrug, but Melissa tells us "B35, honestly guys am I the only one that actually listens when a teacher talks?!"

"Yes you are, all the others instantly fall asleep as soon as the teacher starts." I sarcastically say and give her the fakest smile possible. "Don't fake smile me! But honestly you guys gotta start listening. Of course I don't blame you, Harry, you were probably busy getting used to all the new around you." she says and gives Harry an understanding smile.

"Wow, you sound like Mrs. Weasley in the second book, when they arrive at the burrow with the flying car." I tell her and she looks at me like she's about to stab me. "I'm kidding, sweetie. You are nothing like Mrs. Weasley. You aren't ginger." I laugh and Harry and Olivia join me. "Ok, but seriously now. We should be going, otherwise we'll be late", I end our little joking time and start walking as they follow me to B35.

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