Chapter 6

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As we reach the door to B35, the door is already closed. I open it in a swift move and see that everyone is already seated. "Sorry sir, we were having trouble finding the room." I tell Mr. Carter.

"Well Miss O'Neill it's not like you are already a student in this school for the last 5 years and B35 really is a really hidden room, so I understand your trouble." He says sarcastically and turns his attention to Harry, Melissa and Olivia who are  standing behind me.

"But I see you brought some more students with you. Two old known faces and a new one."

"Yes, hello I'm Harry. I'm sorry we are late. It's my fault. I were holding them up, while asking for room directions." He states. I am surprised he took the fault all on himself. But when I look at him confuesed he only answers me with a wink.

"Well that's understandable. We are a big school, you can get easily lost. Now please take your seats so I can continue with my introduction speech."

We all answer with a simple "Yes, sir" And move in the last row where I am glad to see 4 free seats. We sit down in the same order as we sat in the hall. First Melissa, then Olivia, followed my me and last but not least Harry.

"Ok, back to me. Welcome back at Great North. Where the north is great and the south sucks." Wow Mr. Cartner good one. NOT. Why do I always get the teacher who think they are funny but really aren't. "This class is major English and I will not accept any excuses made by anyone. The only excuse for not coming to class without giving anyone a reason is when you're being abducted by aliens and they eat your mobile phone." I turn to Olivia and give her the What the fuck? Is this suppose to be funny or is this all just a bad joke face and she returns one to me. Harry on the other side of me looks creeped out by his new professor. 

"Ok, of you go to lunch guys. Be back as normal in this room and you'll be getting your schedules."

"Do you want to hang out with us or go find your luck with finding other friends?" I ask Harry.

"Oh if you don't mind I would go and ask those Liam and Louis guys if I could hang with them"

"Sure, see you after lunch then." I answer and face the girls, "Usual lunch break rituals?". They both nod and we get up and leave.

Once we arrive in the cafeteria it's already crowded. But we manage to find some free spaces at a big table. As we sit down I notice Harry a few seats down sitting with Louis, Liam, Zayn and a girl with black hair who I suppose is his girlfriend. I sit down at the only space left, as Melissa and Olivia already sat down. I sit right beside Liam. I know him from last year, he is a nice but quite shy boy.

"Hi Liam, long time no see. How are things?" I greet him and he gives me a big smile.

"Hi Clara, good. Everything is fine. And how are you doing?"

"I'm good. So I see you adopted Harry to your friend circle"

He laughs and says "Yeah I guess you could say that. I think he's a nice guy."

I start eating my carrot which is already cut into little pieces by my mom. I love it when she makes me lunch cause then I actually get food which is eatable. When I make myself lunch I just throw some stuff into a paperbag and leave.

As time goes by we all start talking with each other. I learn that the girl beside Zayn actually is his girlfriend and her name is Melizza. Immediately she tells me that it's written with two z's instead of two s's. Well good for you. She seems to be quite needy, since she constantly starts talking about herself. I like my Melissa with two s's better. She is more down to earth. They share the same name (even though different spelled) but other than that they don't seem to have a lot in common.

By the time lunch is over we all start walking back it B35, as we are all in one class anyway.

I get my schedule and am already annoyed as I have to be in school everyday early and only get to leave quite early twice a week. I take a swift look at my neighbours schedules and see they seem to have the same troubles. I find out that all four of us have to be in at 8 every morning. Harry's schedule is similar to mine. We have a few classes together. Actually all of them except 2. Geography and History. But other than that we have all other classes together.

"Ok, do you wanna go eat pizza now or later? You know but only if you want to..." Harry starts saying as we leave the school building, but I interrupt him by saying "Yes, I still want to. How about we go home first. I'll get changed and we go afterwards?" "Ok, how about I pick you up at 3.30. That'll leave you an hour to get changed. Is that enough?" And I start laughing "Harry, it's 2 o'clock now. I only need like half an hour or so. How about you come around at 3?" "Yeah, sounds good." He says as we start to walk down 12 Avenue. "So, how is the new highschool?" I ask in a sarcastic voice. "It's good. You know, the usual. Nothing I haven't seen yet. Except a really nice and pretty girl I met" He says with a smirk. Oh god, who is that? I hope she's nice. You know, for Harry's sake. He's such a nice guy. "Is that so? May I ask who she is?" "Yes, you may. But I think you know her quite well. Guess!" He suggests. Oh god. Who am I gonna say. I don't know. Someone I know. "Melissa?" He shakes is head as a no. "Olivia?" He shakes his head again. "I give up. I don't know who you met, who I would know very good. Just tell me?" I ask. "Well you still haven't said one name which is pretty obvious" he says as we turn into our road. 14. Avenue. "How about you think of one while you get changed? Ok? See you in half an hour." He says hugging me. I hug him back and nodd while opening the gate. Who could that someone be? I am torn from my thoughts as I open the door and my mom greets me. "Hi mom. Would it be ok if I would go out to get some pizza with Harry?" I ask nicely. "Sure, that's actually a good idea since I will be going out to see a movie with your dad and Niall will be at his girlfriends place. I think her name was Juliet." "Wasn't it Julia? I remember vaguely him mentioning that name. Like a lot" I laugh and my mom joins in. "Well I better get changed. Harry's picking me up at 3." I tell my mom while exiting the kitchen.

Oh god. What am I gonna wear. I stand helpless infront of my closet. "Gwahh, I don't have anything to wear." I mutter to myself.

After deciding for 10 minutes, I pull out my jeans and a red top. I apply some light makeup and curl the ends of my hair.

Suddenly I hear a honk outside my window. As I open it, I see Harry sitting inside a black car. I wave at him, signaling him that I'm on my way.

"Hello, yet again." I say while climbing the passenger seat.

"Hi", he smirks and says "You look nice."

I feel myself blushing. What the hell, why am I blushing? Oh god. "Thanks" I quickly reply turning my head to hide the blush.

"I thought we could get some pizza at this place I went a few night ago. It was really good food. I think the name of the diner was Michael Angela or something like that"

I laugh a little and correct him "Michael Angelo. Their food is good, I agree"

"Michael Angelo it is. So, have you thought of another name?" He smirks

"Honestly? I have no idea. Why don't you just tell me?"

"Ok, how about that. I give you a description of her and you tell me?"

"You like to play games don't you?" I laugh. But quickly nodd as an okay once I see that he's pouts like a 5 year old would, when someone would take away his icecream.

"Well she's in our english class. She's blond. Quite skinny but yet fit and her eyes are blue. And yet again you know her"

"Erm, well I only know one person in your english class who is all those things.. Alice? But then again I don't really know her"

"No. Completly wrong. How about I tell you?" He says. While stoping the car. When I look out the window I notice that we are already at the diner. Harry gets out of the car and jogs to the passenger door opening it.

"Thank you. And yes, that would be a good idea, you know telling me." I laugh and he smirks.

He faces me and looks me in the eyes, "It's you, Clara."

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