Chapter 10

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My alarm clock is going of and I roll myself out of bed. As I get up, I remember all the things that happened yesterday. Did they really happen? Or did I just imagine those things? But a quick look at my phone confirms that it really happened, cause Harry texted me.

Hi Clara, how did you sleep? Just gotten out of bed.. See you in a bit. x

Oh, what a sweetheart sending me x's and stuff. I quickly reply and head of to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I decided to wear some shorts and a batman tank top. I love batman. And the joker. But my favourite joker is Heath Ledger. He's amazing. Sadly he died way to early.

As I enter the kitchen I see my brother eating cereal and milk and my dad mirroring his actions. My mom stands infront of the coffee machine pouring it into four cups and handing one to of us in the kitchen. My whole family has a serious coffee addiction. So we usually sit every morning together drinking coffee and sometimes exchanging some words. I drink my coffee black. I like it that way.

"Well I better be going. Bye, have a nice day" I say heading out of the kitchen earning a few "Bye" 's from my other family members. I grab my bag, put on my new tom's and head out the door. Harry's already standing outside. Looking at his phone. "Good morning, Harry" I greet him and he looks up from his phone. "Hi, Clara. You look nice." "Thanks" I give him a warm smile. He suddendly look to the ground shyly. "What's wrong? You ok?" I ask him. Surprised by his actions. "Yeah. I'm fine." His vioce is growing lower almost like a whisper "I just really want to kiss you" Ialmost don't hear or understand him, because he's talking so low. But I whisper back a "Then why don't you?" and give him another smile. He looks up surprised but glad. He moves and puts one hand one the side of my face and the other one, on my hip. He leans in and our lips connect making me go weak in my knees. "Hey, you little lovebirds out of my way." My brother is yelling behind us.

"Plus shouldn't you already be gone by now? It's already 7.50." Oh, crap we're gonna be late!! "Oh no.. Niall, please could you give us a ride? It's on you way anyway. PLEEEAAAASSEEE!!" "Gosh why am I always the one getting you out of trouble." "Please?!" "What do I get out of it?" "I'll bake you a cake after school. But please take us" "Chocolate cake with buttercream!" "Alright. But now let's go."

We get into the backseats of his car and he starts driving.

Niall drops us off at the gate which is the nearest to B-block, cause we have english first. By the time we reach the gate it already 7.56. Harry and I break out into a running ending infront of the door B35. It's only 7.58. We made it on time!! I go through the still open door and Harry follows. We take our seats right next to Olivia and Meliss. I greet them with a hug and Harry with a wave and a smile. As we sit down. Harry reaches from under the table for my hand which is lazily resting on my knee. I look up at him and he gives me a warm smile. Mr Carter enters the room and greets us. I lean back into my chair and take out some paper to take notes.

His lesson is interesting but nothing special. By the end he hands out a paper sheet to do as homework. I hear Olivia besides me groan "Really? Second day and already homework?" I reply with "I hear ya, this is so overrated."

After english Olivia, Harry and I head of to math. Melissa sadly isn't in our class. So we say goodbye to her and head to A-block. Olivia and I sit down in the second row, taking the same seats we took last year. Harry sits down one row behind us besides Liam. Suddendly I see Marcus coming through the door followed by Amy and some of their friends. Olivia besides me immeadiately grabs my hand and squeezes it. I give her the it's ok look. And honestly it is ok. I don't mind that he has a girlfriend, or that he left me. Just the how and the name calling afterwards it's whats hurting me.

Mrs. Roberts, our math teacher is an old grumpy teacher who's always picking on student. But she quite likes me and Olivia. Eventhough we are realy bad student. "Good morning class. I hope you had a enjoyable break and are finally able to concentrate on school again. I will not tolerant any talking, inappropiate noise or mobile phones." I add silentl "Or fun". Apperantly it was louder than I meant because Olivia besides me and Liam and Harry behind me start laughing their asses of. Mrs Roberts looks confuesed but decides to ignor it. Suddendly she says very loudly "Ashley didn't you hear me? No mobile phones. I don't know what it is with this youth, that you can't stay away from those thingy's for five minutes. Put it away. NOW"

Once the lesson is finished Liam, Olivia, Harry and I are heading towards the cafeteria. But our way is cut of by a person standing in our way. I look up and are shocked to see who it is. Marcus!

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