Chapter 13

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I grown as I open my eyes to the new day. Last night I came home at one in the morning cause I fell asleep in Harry's arms. Thank God my parents are heavy sleepers. The only problem would have been my brother but I'm glad he wasn't at home.

I get dressed and ready for school. As I head downstairs I hear my mom talking to someone on the phone. I enter the kitchen and see my father reading today's newspaper. "Good morning. Where were you last night? Hope you didn't stay out all night. Did you?" He asks me quickly without breathing. "No, I came home at one. Sorry I fell asleep at Harry's place." My dad growns and murmurs something like "I don't know if I approve." As my mom enters the kitchen she looks pale and outworn. Not like my mother at all. She is one of those neighbourhood women who know more about their neighbours new affair than their own countries history. And one of those who always try to make everything perfect. Just so the neighbours won't be able to gossip about them. "Everything alright, sweetheart?" My dad asks beside me. My mom mutters something impossible to understand and walks out into the living room. My dad and I exchange confuesed looks and follow her. We find her sitting on the couch crying. I hate to see my mom crying. She's always this strong, funny and respectable women and then it breaks my heart to see her that way. "Mom?" I ask. "Could you get your brother from upstairs. We gotta have a family camp fire." A family camp fire is all of us sitting in a circle, compareable with a truth circle. Everyone has to speek the truth in that circle and no one is allowed to interrupt each other. I hate those circle's, mostly because it always ends with someone getting hurt or crying. The best to start a day right?! "Wait he's home? I thought he was out?" "No, he was sick yesterday evening so he fell asleep early." My mom replies. I walk upstairs and poke my brother in the tempel. "Whatduyuwant" "Family camp fire. Dunno why." "Hmmmh" He looks quite grumpy but doesn't complain as he follows me downstairs. This has to be a quick camp fire, cause I gotta go in 10 minutes to school.

Once we are all placed in a circle I feel myself getting nervous and anxous what this is all about. Looking around into the faces of my brother and father they wear the same confuesed look.

"So I called this convention, because I got a phone call this morning from my sister. Remember how I told you granny wasn't well for the past few weeks. Well and the doctors gave out the information this morning that she will not last till the end of next night." "What?!" My dad, Niall and me all blurt out at the same time. "So, what you're trying to tell me is that my grannie, will die in the next 18 hours?" I say, feeling the tears pool in my eyes.

"Yes. I got you already out of class for today and I called at your work, Niall, so you won't have to go either. Mostly because your sick. But also because I want to take you both to the hospital to say your goodbyes." After that there follows an aweful long uncomfortable silence.

"I'll call in sick today too." My dad suddendly blurts out. Which is surprising, because my dad never misses out on work.

By 7.40 I quickly run outside to inform Harry that I won't be going to school today. As always he's already standing outside. "Hey sweetheart." He says and suddenly stops at his track "Are you okay? Have you been crying? Where is your schoolbag?"

After I explain everything to him, he gives me a pityfull look, "I'm so sorry Clara. If there's anything I can do... I'll skip classes if you need someone to talk to." "That is really sweet of you. But your mom would kill me." I give him a small meaningfull smile. "Okay. But I'll swing by after school to check on you. And you can call or text me. Even during classes. I'll make up an excuse." "That is very sweet of you, Harry. It really means a lot." "Of course sweetheart." He embraces me into a tight hug and kisses my temple and forehead. I feel like we stand there for ages, looking like dumb fools. But I don't care. I feel save in his arms.

As I walk inside I look back to where Harry and I were standing seconds ago. How did I get so lucky and how did I manage to get so lucky? I open the door and check the clock. already 7.55, Harry's gonna be late! I text him quickly: Sorry that you're gonna be late. Didn't mean to get you into trouble! Have fun. xx"

Within seconds he replies. Man, that boy's fast. That's ok. I hope you're gonna be ok. Well it'll be horrible since you're not there with me to brighten up my day. xx

Damn he's cute.

"Are you ready to go to the hospital?" I ask my mom. "Come on. I'll drive. I don't think you are in the condition to drive." A silent tear slips down my moms face. She was always close with granny. It must be really hard to loose a parent. I can't imagine what I'd do if one of my parent would die. I would be crashed.

"Hello, are you Mrs. O'Neills family?" A elder nurse asks us. We three simply nod. Dad's coming later. He needed to drive by his work to sort some crap out. "Come, this way." She shows us the way and we follow her. She directs us into a nice bigger room. A "single bed"- bedroom. The picture I see is horrible. An old women plugged into every tube possible to think of. She's pale and looks lifeless. By her side I recognise my granddad standing. He is the only reason I believe that that's my granny. My mom starts to cry again and Niall immidiatly hugs her. I didn't even realise I was crying till the first tear slipped down my cheek. We stand there for ages. Time passes by slowly. I go over to granddad and hug him. He's holding granny's hand the whole time.


By now it is already 13.10, my aunt Jessie and Dad joined us long ago and he is holding my mom in his arms. She holds granny's other hand. Me and Niall stand at the end of the bed. My head on his shoulder and him hougging me. We cry a lot.

Suddendly there is a deafening beep tone and everyones head snap towards the little monitor where all the tube's eventually lead to. It shows a lot of flat lines. The door crashes open and a few nurses burst in followed by two doctors. They push us aside and start talking and moving like madness. This is madness. This doesn't fell like reality.

"I am really sorry. We did all we could. But her heart didn't start pounding anymore. But she died in peace." A young doctor tells us. We were moved outside the room and are looking through a glass window inside the room. Granny looks even paler. But kinda a lot more in peace. Like all the pain has left. But my granddad looks even worse than before. He doesn't stop crying and mutters repeatedly "My Love". It breaks my heart.

We leave the hospital by 2 o'clock. We take granddad to our place. I feel sad. I miss my granny. But I hope that she's in a better plave now. But I'm a lot worried about my granddad and my mom. They both cry a lot more than we others. Even my dad cried a little. My granny was always a person everyone loved and no one could stay mad at. I know that my mom is gonna be okay, but my granddad is a different stories. They always did everything with each other. I don't think I've ever seen then apart for longer than 5 minutes.


At 4 o'clock there is a sudden knock on the door. We all look up confuesed. I stand up and walk to the door since I'm the nearest by the exit door of the living room. I open it and am releaved to see Harry. "Are you okay? How's your grandma? Is she okay? Are you okay?" "No, she died around lunch time. My granddad is here too. My mom is pretty messed up and Niall hasn't said a word since we left the house this morning. And I don't actually know how I feel." Harry hugs me tight and tells me that everything is going to be okay. I take him into the living room. I introduce him to my granddad, but he only nods and goes bad to quiet staring at the opposite wall. My mom give him a rather heartless smile and wipes away her smeared mascara. My dad nodds and Niall doesn't even seem to notice him.


"I'm gonna make some dinner. I think everyone is quite hungry. Granddad, do you have anything in mind?" I ask, since I don't have the felling that my mom is gonna start cooking now. He shakes his head as a no. So I get up and say that I'll think of something. I take Harry with me. He sits down on one of the barstool at the kitchenisland. "Are you okay?" "Yes, stop asking that. It makes me nervous!" I snap. He looks away and I see his jaw tense. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap, I don't know. I just..." "It's okay.."

I make some potatoes and fresh vegetables and some meat which we still had in the freezer. While I make the food Harry doesn't say another word and I start to get worried that he's mad. I feel myself starting to tear up. I don't even know exactly why. But the dead of my grandma and Harry being mad..


After dinner Harry leaves. When I ask him if he's mad he just shakes his head but returns to his silence.I walk up the stairs and head towards my bed. I don't even bother to take of my clothe. I immediatly fall asleep and have a weird dream of green eyes and hospital tubes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2013 ⏰

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