Chapter 3: Shipwrecked

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Soon we were floating away from the shore and towards our destination. I was tired; I hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night. I had a vague memory of storm clouds coming in our direction....


I woke up with a start. All I could see was rain and boxes and lightning. I tried to run for cover, but the boat was swaying so violently I thought it would capsize. Thunder boomed and lightning struck the nearest metal pole, making pieces topple around me. I felt something hard hit my head and that's the last thing I remember of that night.


I wake up again, but this time, I'm on land. As I get up, I look behind me and almost pass out in horror. The cargo ship is ripped to shreds. Literally. There are pieces of the hull and cargo everywhere. I turn around again to see a large forest. I believe I have landed in the less populated area of the West Quarter. I walk into the forest, thinking I had just been through the worst. Boy was I wrong.

(Thank you Dave for the timeskips!)

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