Chapter 13

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Maddie wasn’t sure if she had ever stopped drinking from the last time she saw them but her mother was most definitely more drunk and aggressive than before. She began throwing more objects, heavier objects like vases and lamps all over the flat. The photo of the five of them that was framed on the wall was smashed and glass shattered everywhere as well as the mirror. Maddison told Niall to take her siblings out while she calmed her mother down. He knew it wasn’t really to calm her down but to keep them safe. By the time he returned the flat was completely trashed and Maddie was now sporting a black eye, bruised nose and cut hands from trying to stop her from throwing more glass.

“What the hell happened?” He rushed over to her, taking her face in his hands.

“Nothing, I’m fine” She insisted trying to look away. Before she could protest he grabbed their overnight bags, threw them into his car and helped buckle in Poppy.

“We are going back to mine” He said, his jaw clenched and hands tight on the steering wheel. He knew he should have acted calm, the last thing they needed to see was another angry figure but he failed. Maddie stayed quiet in the front seat picking at the bandages on her hands. “Stop playing with them” He snapped, causing her to jump. They didn’t speak after that until they reached his house. She was too scared and he didn’t want to scare her.

Maddison stayed in bed the rest of the day, her eyes fixed on the painted blue wall of Niall’s bedroom. Poppy was still confused as to what had happened that day but Lewis and Isabel were also quiet. Mr Horan had not yet retuned from his business trip but they knew they couldn’t stay when he was home.

“Babe?” Niall whispered, entering his room and climbing under the covers. His arm snaked around her waist and he pulled her closer. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I was angry. I shouldn’t have left you alone. I promised it’d look after you. I knew she would do something and I should have stopped her” He sighed and she began crying again. She turned around to face him where he wiped around the salty water running down her pale, soft skin. “I won’t break it again.”

The days that followed slowly got better and the bruises got smaller. They hadn’t been near the flat since the day and it was not brought up. They had started looking at new apartments in a nice area. Maddie still sent Isabel and the others to school. Niall may have broken his promise but she would never to her father. They would still get an education even if she couldn’t.

“Babe you don’t have to move this quickly” Niall whined, dropping her bags into her new rented flat.

“Your father is home this afternoon and I can’t afford to lose my job. Plus you see me every day” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pouted like a puppy. “That look won’t work” She laughed and kissed his nose. He groaned and helped her settle into the flat. The walls were painted cream in the living room/kitchen. Outside the block of apartments was bright, freshly cut grass and tall oak trees. It was a change from having gangs of teenage boys in grey tracksuits and cigarettes. The block was closer to Niall and school and didn’t have a high crime rate. The bedrooms were still quite small but big enough. But it was in their price range.

“Please let me stay tonight” Niall begged for the hundredth time. He was still reluctant to leaving them alone. He sat down on the floor with his arms and legs crossed, pouting like a little boy causing her to laugh. “I’m not leaving anyway, ever” He mumbled.

“I guess I don’t have a choice then, do I?” She giggled and he pulled her down and kissed her earning a groan from Isabel. “Oh shush you.”

The familiar tune of Niall’s ringtone filled the apartment. His eyes widen and shutting it off quickly. “Who’s that?”

“Uh n-no one” He stuttered, shoving the phone back into his pocket quickly. He was sketchy that evening, typing on his phone which was hiding well away from Maddie’s eye line. The next morning Niall was nowhere to be found.

‘Sorry Babe I had to dash- Ni xx’ was all that was left.

Hey guys! Im sorry i take so long updating but i do have reasons. I was super busy over the summer making the most of it and then I went on holiday with my family for 3 weeks. Now i have just started college and i have literally not had a break thats why this chapter is short and rubbish:( I am honestly trying to find time to update but it seems impossible and i'd love it if you could be paitent with me please:) But i hope you enjoyed and i love you all:) xx

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