Chapter 6

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I walk to the town bus stop to go around town looking for Woodland. But I see Nate get on too. Great I have to deal with him. But we sit on different ends of the bus. Good no eye contact and no conversation. I get on my phone and Google Woodland in California. My phone says right at the next stop is Woodland. I get off at that stop with Nate. I'm walking I front of him when I have to stop at an intersection.

"Hey Becca." He says as he walks up behind me.

"Hey." I say looking strait ahead.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"Thank you for apologizing." I say.

"Your welcome." He says. We cross the street and he turns down a road towards the Market. I keep walking until I find a old town called Woodland that is now a tourist site. I walk around and find the house I stayed in. And Amelia is at the front greeting people. I walk up to her.

"Hi." I say.

"Hello, welcome to Woodland." She says happily.

"Is this a refurbished home?" I ask.

"Yes, from the 1930's. Wanna a tour?"

"Yes please I say." She shows me around and we get talking.

"You're really nice Amelia." I say.

"Same with you Becca." She says.

"I wish I could come here everyday." I say.

"Well we do have two openings for summer jobs and its 14 and up." She says handing me a paper.

"You could sign up its free."

"That would be great." I say.

"Great, ask your parents and then come talk to my boss. I'll tell him so he will be expecting you."

"So I could work there in the summer and maybe ask a friend too!" I say to my parents at the dinner table.

"Sounds great to me." Says my dad with a mouth full of food.

"Well... Which friend would you choose?" Asks my mom.

"Amy or Mark." I say.

"Well Mark I can trust but I don't know about Amy, remember the mall?" She says. Of course the mall. Amy and I just wanted to shop but she had to buy a antique book. She tried to make the buyer trade it for something but she ended up getting kicked out for harassment. I don't know how but she did. And we had to leave. I see why she can't trust her and that's fine with me.

"Ok I'll ask Mark." I finish up dinner and get ready for bed.

As I lay in my bed I text Mark.

"Wanna work at a old town this summer with me. It's now a tourist site and we get free AWESOME food." I sit and wait for about 20 minutes and he responds.

"That would be EPIC. I'll ask my parents." He responds.


I wait.

"They said yes." "Great I'll see you tomorrow bye."

"Bye ;)" He sends. Wait a wink. What's does that mean!! Oh my gosh this is crazy!! I'm so in love with Mark. I mean, I really really like him.
"And I'm gonna work there!" I tell Amelia as we sit in an old restaurant.

"That's great! You like the real me?" She asks as she eats soup.

"Yeah, but you're both awesome." I say eating a sandwich. We chat a little longer and I tour the town.  I find the lake and sit in the tree. I look up into the branches and see the leafs rustling and falling off the tree. Ah this is paradise. I want to never leave. But I must. But I can tell I'm still in a deep sleep. Probably about 12 a.m. I'll go find Amelia.

As I walk back to town I find a cemetery. I find a newly placed grave and look at it.

Nate Peterson. Rest in peace. A perfect child of God.

Nate! Now way what's the date!!


Oh good it's not the Nate I know. But it must be his grandfather. I should check the town cemetery after school. And visit my grandmothers. Sweet Grandma Hall. She always made cookies and we would read by the fire summer or winter. And we would always take walks in the park and feed the ducks. Until we found out about her heart attacks. They were small. Until one August after school started I was called out of class to go home. I was greeted by tearful parents and found out the news. Grandma Hall had a heart attack that took her life. We spent the next week getting her funeral ready. Then going and I couldn't talk to any of my friends for awhile. But Mark brought me back from my sad state. But I will always remember the sweet voice of my grandmother singing me to sleep. And her song she sang me.

   Sweet dreams, is what we need.
       Sweet thoughts is what we seek.
Quiet meadows is what we have.
     Our hopes is what keeps me glad.
     Singing slow, singing fast.
   Hoping once a dream so sweet,
       Is what we will have. 

"Sweet dreams my angel, I love you."

The voice tears me up. I'm crying when I wake up from my dream. I pack some cash for after school. I start walking and don't speak until 1st hour. While walking I see Nate and he says hi but he can see I'm not up for it. I meet Mark in the class and he knows why I'm sad.

"It's grandma Hall isn't it?" He says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yep it is." I say sadly. "But me a flower for her will you?" Asks Mark.

"I will, she will love it knowing it come from you." I say smiling. I tear up a little. Mark hugs me and I hug him back. It's hard my life, to many loses in my family. But I've gotten through it.    


I walk to the market and but a bundle of flowers and pick one blue Daisy to add to it for Mark. I walk to the cemetery and find Nate's Grandpa's grave. And he's there too. He is sitting on a bench. It's been 8 years since he died. It's only been 2 for me. I go down the path a little more and find grandmas grave. I lay the flowers down and sit under a tree. Nate looks over at me and looks back down at his feet. I want to talk to him but I don't know if I should. I stare at Grandmas grave for a while and think of all the good times we had. But Grandpa's grave isn't as nice as hers. I lay half the flowers down on his. They only put a rock with his name on it. They didn't respect him as much as they should have. I miss them both. I sing grandmas song quietly to myself and go sit by Nate.

"Was he kind?" I ask him.

"Very, kind, tough, and the best he could ever be." He says sadly. "Becca.... I still like you. But Amy too." He says.

"It's ok. I still like Mark. And you a little. But not enough." I say looking away.

"I know. I gotta go, bye Becca." He says putting his hand on my lap, then walks away.

Nate's a good guy. But I just think Mark is better. Mark. I'm getting butterflies in my stomach.

I look at my phone for texts and just Amy saying.


You know the song. I smile and walk to the bus stop. I get on and ride down to Woodland.

I meet Amelia at the front and go to her bosses office. Mr.Williams if says on the door. Amelia and I take a seat.

"Hello Amelia and Becca." He says. "So for the summer job, you show up when you can but at least 4 hours of work a day ok?" He says handing me a paper.

"Yes sir, and a friend is coming too. He'll do the same." I say.

"Great. Amelia show her the worker station." He says smiling.

"Ok, goodbye." She's says as we walk out. We walk over to the station and she shows me everything I need to know and what I need to do.

"Invite Mark over to show him too ok?" She asks as we go to the entrance.

"Ok see you later Amelia." I say and wave.

I ride the bus home and went right or bed. My life seems like a dream right now. It's amazing. But schools not I've just yet.

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