Chapter 15

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After school Thursday I sit in the library room reading in the window seat. I read for about 4 hours then I hear

"Dinner Becca!" Yells my mom from the kitchen.

I close my book and run to my room. I toss the book onto my bed and go to the kitchen.

"What have you been doing?" Asks my dad as he dishes food onto his plate.

"Reading." I say.

"What are you reading?" Asks my mother.

"It's the Hunger Games, the first one." I say.

"Ooh that book. The movie looks great actually all of them look great." Say my dad.

"I'll watch them when I finish reading the series." I say pouring some water into my cup.

"Good choice honey." Says my mom smiling.


On Friday lots of people are talking about the party tonight. Mark and I are going together while Nate gives us a ride. He's going with Amy. So after school we go to a movie then head over to the party.

"Wow that house is huge!" Yells Amy as she gets out of the truck.

"Let's go then!" Says Nate grabbing her hand.

We all walk in and see people everywhere. We go to the back yard where a DJ plays music and people dance and eat. Me and Mark dance while Nate and talks to Gavin and his date. Amy talks to a friend named Kelly.

Nate grabs Amy's hand and take she over to the dance floor.

"This is fun." I say to Mark as I dance with my hands on his shoulders.

"Yep." He says. His hands are on my sides and we dance for a while longer.

He smiles at me and hugs me as we dance.

People slowly start to fade away form the back yard and head inside.

At 10 o'clock me and Mark chat a bit then go to find Amy and Nate. We go to the kitchen to see Nate and Amy running out.

"What's going on?" I say.

I look to see Parker coming out of a room.

"Hey guys. Becca woah, you came!" He says.

His eyes are baggy and he's walking weird.

"Is this your party?!" I say holding Marks hand.

"Of course." He says. He goes over to friends who just pulled out alcohol. They all laugh. They're all drunk.

"Mark we need to leave." I say pulling his sleeve.

"Ok come on." He says and we run through the crowd of people.

We jump into Nate's truck.

"Why were you two running?" I ask Nate.

"Someone was forcing us to drink so we ran." He says.

"Gavin's date got drunk. He left as soon as he found out." He says.

We start to drive off as Parker and his drunk friend egg Nate's truck. Nate ignores them and drives off.

He drops me and Mark off.

"Let's only go to parties of people we know ok guys?" He says.

We all agree.

Mark goes home and so do I.


Saturday morning I wake up at 11 because of how late I was gone. My parents are already at work so I go get cereal. After eating I go upstairs and lay on my bed.

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