you're sick

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You grabbed your aching stomach and rolled over in bed. You had been feeling nasty since 11pm. You just wanted to talk to Cisco. You knew he'd make you feel better. It was about 1 am and you thought he might be up working on some things at the lab, so you called him.

As the phone rang, you prayed that you weren't waking him.

"Hello?" You heard his beautiful voice on the other end. You were so happy to hear him pick up that you broke down.

"Cisco, hi, please tell me I didn't wake you" you said through your tears.

"No, I'm just up at the lab.. baby, what's wrong?" He sounded concerned.

"I just.. I woke up at 11 feeling sick.. I just wanted to talk to you if you were up. I miss the sound of your voice." You were still crying.

"(Y/N), stay put, I'm coming."

"No you don't need to I just want to talk to you"

"Babe, I'm coming. I'll be there in just a bit, okay?"

You sniffled out a response that wasn't really understandable.

"I love you, (y/n). I'll be there soon."

You hung up and cried, holding your still aching stomach until you heard the lock on your door. Cisco had a key, so it could only be him. Or a burglar with a key. But there aren't that many of those.

"(Y/N)?" You heard cisco call out. Before you could maintain your cries, he appeared in your bedroom doorway.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He rushed over to you.

"My stomach hurts"

"I'm going to take care of you, alright?" He brushed your hair out if your face.

You just nodded and clenched your eyed closed in pain.

You heard him leave the room and come back in no time. You felt the bed shift and looked over to see him laying next to you. He gave you a soft smile and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close to his chest. He used his other hand to gently rub your stomach and you were finally relaxed.

"Cisco" you felt sicker than you had felt all night. You both sat up. "I think I'm gonn-" he got a trash can in front of you before you threw up.

You took hold of the can and he held your hair back, running gentle circles on your back with his other hand.

When you finished up, you put the trash can down and he wiped your tears and you laid back down.

He laid back down next to you, wrapping his arm around you and gently rubbing your stomach again. You let out a tearful sigh as you relaxed again.

"You're okay" he whispered.

"Cisco. Thanks."

"Of course" he kissed your forehead. You closed your eyes and soon fell fast asleep.


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