Chapter 14 Wolf Den

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"What do you mean Reyna? You gotta come," Embry says and I shake my head.

"Nope, I'm not going," I declare adamantly.

"Oh come on Reyna," Jared huffs. "You know us, we're friends." I will not go into the wolf den, I will not risk this.

"We weren't really friends though. Jade is your friend I am her girlfriend. By the way where the hell is my girlfriend!" I snap and back away from the two wolves. "And what the fuck is with the black shorts!?"

Embry and Jared's faces become somber and they look down.

"Just come with us and Sam will explain," Embry murmurs and my fury melts away. The anger is regard with confusion and concern.

"Did something happen?" I ask with a small voice.

"Just come with us," Jared persists and takes my arm.

The rest of my questions are swallowed and Bella forces me into the passenger seat so she can drive. Embry squeezes in the middle and Jared in the back.

Besides Embry spouting directions it's quiet the whole ride.

A million thoughts run through my head about what could have happened, each one more horrible than the last.


The drive seemed to last for eons when finally we arrived at Emily's.

Her house is cozy and weather. A window box is attached to the largest window and tons of marigolds grow from it.

Jared hops out and opens my door. I climb out followed by Embry and Bella exits the drivers seat.

Jared and Embry head towards the house but I'm frozen to the spot. When I go in that house I'll find out what happened to Jade and maybe I'm better off not knowing.

"Pay up. She didn't puke," Embry orders Jared who with a frown hands him a five. "Told you she was tough. She does run with bloodsuckers."

"Wait. We should go back, make sure Jacob's okay," Bella says to stall going inside. Bella is looking at me with concern, I must be pale.

"I hope Paul gets some teeth in him. Serves him right," Jared scoffs.

"No way. Jake's a natural. You see him phase on the fly? I gotta five says Paul doesn't touch him," Embry bets with a grin. I imagine Jade would joke with them like this, if she were here.

"Easy money. Paul's been at it longer," Jared greed and they shake. I glance at Bella who is looking at them, appalled.
They realize we're not following and turn around.

"Come on in. We won't bite," Embry jokes.

"Speak for yourself," Jared growls playfully. I take Bella's hand as we warily join them by the door to the house. Before I can open the door Embry stops me.

"Oh, hey, about Emily, Sam's fiance, just try not to stare. It bugs Sam," Embry advises.

"Why would I stare?" Bella questions but they've already walked in. I inhale deeply and drag myself through the door. Bella hesitantly enters just behind me.

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