Chapter 4 Boring Class Less Boring Volturi

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I barely pay attention as Romeo and Juliet plays on the monitor, I'm too enamored with the dress Alice got me! It's so pretty! It's a little black dress with a sweet heart neckline and a small rhinestone heart in the center of the neckline.

"Arms, take your last embrace, and lips, O you, the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss..." Romeo murmurs on screen as he kisses Juliet. It's the suicide scene so of course Romeo is dragging it out.

Other students are completely captured by the play but I am less than impressed. I've seen Romeo and Juliet a hundred different times in a hundred different versions.

Mike is trying not to sleep while our English teacher, Mr Berty, is mouthing every word.

"Here's to my love!" Romeo shouts and gulps down the poison. He's affected immediately by it. "O true apothecary!   Thy drugs are quick."

Bells and Edwad sit behind me quietly whispering to each other. They pushed their desks together allowing them to be close.

"I hate being...celebrated," Bella mumbles.

"Come on, the last real birthday any of us had was Emmett's- I think Bing Crosby was on top of the charts. You'll be helping us feel normal for a night," Edward mutters and I send a look over my shoulder.

Bella sighs and sits back. She knows she trapped into this now. Edward grins and kisses her hand.

"There are worse tragedies than a birthday. Look at Romeo. He's responsible for his wife's death. Who could live with that?" Edward looks whimsically at the screen with sad eyes. "Though I do envy him one thing." Bella blanches and frowns.

"Juliet's alright... if you like that obviously beautiful sort of thing," Bella grumbles and crosses her arms. Obviously she thinks he's talking about Juliet, I know he's not. Edward is utterly taken with her.

"Not the girl, the suicide."

Bella stares agape and I turn around fully.

"Nearly impossible for my kind. But humans, a little poison, dagger to the heart. There are so many options," Edward muses.                    

"Why would you even think about that?" Bella asks looking absolutely appalled. Edward turns her wrist over and runs his hand across the scar James left.

That's why he'd kill himself, if she dies he dies.

"I considered it. Once. When James had you trapped," Edward murmurs and my mind instantly yanks me back to that moment.

James stares Edward in the eyes and crouches by Bella. He grabs her hand and brings it to his mouth.

He pauses and glares sinisterly to lengthen the terror and utter hopelessness we both feel before biting down.

"I didn't know if I'd find you in time. If I'd gotten you killed-"

"It wouldn't have been your fault," Bella interjects and cups Edwards cheek. He wears a pained expression, I empathize.

"Either way, I had a plan."

The Volturi.                      

"What plan?"                                       

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