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(song is from movie Young Guns)

I follow no rules,

Just to follow the sky's weary blues.

I'm a cowboy who sleeps where I want,

And the enemy's who I do taunt.

I have seen many things,

Some the birds still mourn to sing.

I've seen a dying man,

And from that day I ran.

More men have I seen die,

Some of which I have, for them, cry.

But I feel my time is to come any day,

Lord, let me make my life's pay.

I'm no one's son, so no one will mourn

Even before and after I'm torn.

I stare down the gun before me,

And hope it will be Heaven that I see.

As he fires the last shot,

At least I gave it all I got.

"Shot down in a Blaze of Glory..."

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