The Voice

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The Voice

How retarded are they?

What next will they say?

No showing feelings?

No heart healing?

A roll of the eye,

No more being shy.

I'll stand up for my rights,

News flash-I'm bright!

A young girl I may be,

But soon you'll all see!

Everybody has this right,

Whether or not it's in sight.

We are as strong as men.

On a scale of one to ten?

Whatever number they are,

Because behind we aren't too far.

You may disagree,

But that's what I see.

Am I not allowed to have a voice, too?

Because of what I'm trying to do?

Or is it because we don't see it anything;

Women have always had a voice to sing.

Us, no one can over power,

Because the truth will always tower.

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