Chapter 9

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Time flew. Period after period of subjects I won't bore you with passed by and without knowing it, the day had gone and I went back and from my home reality, and for some reason I decided to go to bed earlier than usual and managed to fall asleep.

I wake up in the pitch black of our domitory, listening to Steph's slow, even breaths. Immediately, I start running through my timetable in my head. 'Elven, Celestial Knowledge, Break, Animalia, History, Lunch and Battle trials, power training...Professor Kendra cancelled the last few classes. Kinda happy about that. Then free time until dinner and bed...Hopefully I don't get injured in the trials like it did yesterda-'


A noise startles my thinking from the next room. The boys shouldn't be up, its like...I look over to the small ticking clock on the bedside table... 2 in the morning!


I hear the door to the hallway open. 'Thank you for not oiling the hinges' I whisper to no one in particular. I wait for half a minute before slowly slipping out of bed and tip-toeing to the door and pushing it open, but not over the forty degree angle where it starts creaking, the boy's downfall. Carefully inching out, minding my nightgown doesn't get caught, I turn around and-

A hand clamps over my mouth, muffling the scream at my lips. Tyler stands there with his free hand with a finger over his lips, dressed in a sweatshirt and sweatpants.

'You heard it too?' he mouths.

'Yeah, I thought it was you guys.' I reply

'It's Medan. Don't know what he's up to though.'

I nod, and the two of us creep down through the common area and out into the hallway. Off in the distance there are rhythmic tapping noises, someone's running. Glancing over at Tyler, who's eyes are now glowing, must be a wolf trait, he transforms and we start sprinting down the corridor after Medan. Twisting and turning in and around corridors, past doors and rooms still unfamiliar, until we run straight into someone else outside the Mimir dorms. By we, I mean Tyler.

"I'm so sorry!" he whisper shouts. It still gives me chills to see a wolf talking...even if it is my friend.

"It's fine." A sweet, melodic voice replies. The girl has pale skin, light brown hair and flaming red eyes that seem to flicker in the darkness. "Raiden." She hushed.



"You guys heard the footsteps?" she asks

"Yes. It's one of our friends and we have no idea what he's up to." Tyler says, really fast sor some reason.

"We're not supposed to be out at this time...but I guess it's a little too late for that." Raiden mutters. "Glycon?"


"You guys ran literally from the other side of the building, so no point in going back. Come on." She turns and sprints down the hallway, with us in pursuit.

While we were talking the footsteps slowed to a stop, seemingly around the corner that we were fast approaching. Peeking our heads around the edge, we spot Medan at the end, in front of a stone pannel with a similar design to ours, with a dragon head carving glaring at the daemon.

"Azrael's Dorms." The canine whispers.

"I will not let you in." A deep raspy voice floats down the corridor. Do all the dorm guardians sound so unnerving?

"You will." Medan answers, In a monotonous voice, that doesn't seem like him at all. He raises something previously hidden from us and it glints in darkness. Then he pauses, and slowly turns around.

"I can see your eyes." He calls. Glancing quickly at the others, Both Raiden and Tyler's eyes are shining like beacons in the dark. Oh God. "The two of you step out slowly." He doesn't see me! Not having powers could be an advantage.

"Stay here" Raiden mumbles before stepping out, with Tyler changing back to humanoid form.

"Medan, what are you doing?" The semi-hound asks cautiously.

"I just wanted to explore a bit." Our dark friend answers, with a chilling smile. "Who's your new sweetheart here?"

"Dude! We just met." He sounds annoyed, and Raiden doesn't even react

"I'm joking! Lets get back to bed." They start walking back and I press myself up against the dark wall as they pass me, and Medan doesn't spot me, and the other two don't give anything away. The shiny object he was holding is not on the floor, he must have hid it in his pocket.

I sit in that corner for five more minutes before getting up and heading over back to the common room, too scared to go back into the dorm in case Medan hears me.

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