Chapter ONE: The Special Announcement

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A 17-year old Tsuna tried to listen to his fake elite math teacher,Nezu Dohachiro in front discussing lessons as he heave himself up and not to fall asleep. It's been three years since the representative battle. Reborn,his Spartan tutor and the other Arcobaleno are released from their curse and is now able to revert back to their original form and back to their baby form if needed. It's also the age where he promised his predecessor Timoteo he would take over the Vongola Famiglia and all of it's associates being the Vongola Decimo (tenth) Boss.He slightly yawns as he glance over his three guardians and his bestfriend. Gokudera,not caring about his surroundings, fell soundly asleep. Yamamoto hid his face with a textbook so that he will not look suspicious,Chrome is obviously trying not to fall asleep either as well as Enma..

Nezu-sensei who is enjoying his lousy students bored faces got interrupted by a knock on the door which he promptly,though annoyingly open to reveal the Principal and a baby wearing a lab coat and glasses.

"Oh,Mr. Principal! and...Reboyama-sensei! Glad to see you!"--Nezu

Everyone (especially the guardians and the Simon boss) shot up and they're meet with steely black beady eyes which sent shivers down their spine particularly a certain brunet who look like he's about to choke.

"Pardon us for the intrusion,Dohachiro-sensei.But could you lend Reboyama-sensei,a little of your time? He have an announcement to make."--Principal

"Yes,of course! I'd be honoured! Please make your way in front."--Nezu said while walking to the side of the classroom to listen.

"Well then,I'll leave everything to you,Sensei."--Principal

"Thank you,Mr Principal."--Reboyama-sensei/Reborn

'Reborn...What are you planning to do? Is this why my Hyper Intuition's going haywire?' -Tsuna said while staring at Reborn with a questioning look.

Reborn glance over his student and smirk at him,knowing full well what the latter is thinking.His plans with Timoteo,the Vongola Nono who Tsuna also considers his grandfather are perfect.

"Junior Class 1-A,this year you're not going to the destined place for your field trip,instead you're going to a different place you can never imagine..You're going to a field trip to Italy!"--Reborn announced,a bit of excitement in his voice.

Everyone is too shock at first but after the announcement sink in,loud cheers can be heard throughout Namimori Junior High.Good thing,Hibari,the demon prefect have his headphones on or else he'll bite the whole class 1-A to death.

While everyone is celebrating,Tsuna,his guardians and Enma are paralyzed.

'No no no no no..This can't be happening! Reborn,you're kidding,right!? How could you?! Are you planning to expose my secret?!!'--Tsuna mentally yelled

Gokudera glance over at his boss and gave him a questioning look,Yamamoto did the same and also Chrome. Enma,who is sitting behind Tsuna,lightly tap his bestfriend's shoulder to ease the tension but to no avail. Reborn's smirk grew wider when he saw his student's nearly-to-faint face not to mention his "murderous" glare. Bullseye!

After the celebration died down,Reborn continue to talk while holding his Leon-turned gun hidden in his back.

'What is he going to do? Shot the students to death if they didn't shut up?!!' --Tsuna

"Everything in this trip is taken cared off. You dont have to worry.This trip is one month so you have to pack all neccessities for it.Be sure to have everything ready,our departure to Italy is on Friday meaning you have three more days to prepare. Your passports are already made by the government but you still have your parents to sign these waivers to get permission."--Reborn

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