Chapter 6

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There were so many days till the Full moon in September. She was sure Ivy know that it was going to happen on September 16. 9:05 at night. She thought about what Ivy said at the cheerleading tryouts.

"You're a witch. I'm pretty sure you can do something about getting us to Slovakia. Make a portal or something...."

She knows portal makings are something difficult. She has never tried it and she knows her father discourages portal makings. There were many accidents that happened due to portal makings. Some people got their body parts separated after going through a portal.  At the same time, she knew that she had to learn how to do it because she needs to go to Slovakia without her father knowing. If only she could make one in her own room when the time comes. She could invite Ivy over.

Wait no. Vampires should never be invited in.

This is what her father told her when she was asking him about vampires. Her mother told her stories about good vampires but her father always remind her that vampires should never be invited in no matter how good their reputations were because everyone still have an evil side of them. She has never met a vampire for real until Ivy so she doesn't know much about vampires. She only know the common knowledge that stakes were used to kill vampires. She knew it has to pierce straight into the heart.

She head to the vast library collection that were collected over the centuries. Her ancestors made a rule that the books here cannot be taken out of the building and that they can only be viewed in the de Montford chateau library. They did cast spells to make sure that never happened because they have quite a number of rare grimoires, archives, journals, records, maps and case studies.

The entrance to the library was just a simple French arch door with intricate carvings etched all over showing the origins of the de Montfords. They started small, from a French village, Giverny. Then their family migrated to Sées. It was said that they left in a hurry so they stayed in a rented room while André, her ancestor overlooked the construction of the de Montford chateau. It was completed just as Deandré was born. It was the perfect time to raise a kid properly at a spacious place with a beautiful view of the River Orne.

The smell of old and new books wafted in the air as she entered the gorgeous library. Above, the ceiling were masterfully painted with angels holding harps and trumpets, perched on clouds with wonderful golden rays around them. This was an addition that came in around the 19th century, by Eugéne.

Esmerée's eyes scanned a section of the shelves. Her eyes jumped around, looking for something that could tell her how to make a portal.

Definitely not this shelf.

She chose another random shelf and scanned through it twice. A book titled "Energy Gates" caught her attention. Energy gates sounds related to portals. Portals required energy. A lot of energy in fact. She slid the book out of its place and sat at her favourite chair in the library. There wasn't a content page so she had to flipped through it. She caught words like 'Hell' and 'Heaven' and finally, upon reaching the last quarter of the book, the word portal was there in cursive bold font, underlined twice by someone else who read this book. It must be one of her ancestors.

There were small foot notes at the bottom of the page. It seems as if her ancestor thought this was a very important topic.

He or she wrote, "Concentration is imperative. Do not loose focus or else you'll lose your limbs. Handy trick is to know how the place you want to go look like first."

It didn't sound too difficult to Esmerée. She could do this. She read through the introduction of portals. Apparently portals have different colors, depending on the creator. It isn't explained why but they believe it reflects the dominant color of an individuals' life. Instead of skimming through long passages like she normally does when she reads novels, she read them much more slowly this time, taking each word seriously, slowly processing and digesting the information. She has to get it right at the first try or it will be chaotic. She obviously didn't want to end up like the others who made mistakes. No way is she going to lose a limb or multiple limbs. She was going to go through the portal in one piece.

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