Chapter 3

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~ Elizabeth's POV ~

I walked back inside to see my mom, Shannon, Jack, his mom, and is brother all standing around the counter in the kitchen. They had all grabbed one of the coffees, except Shannon. My mom still won't let her drink it. I grabbed the last one left as I stood awkwardly not knowing where to stand.

They all had already started talking about things like why we moved and things like that. I on the other hand was not interested. I went go grab my phone from my pocket, then realized I left it in the car.

"I left my phone in the car. I'll be right back." I told everybody. They all nodded and I started walking towards the door. "I'll go with you. Wouldn't want you to trip over a box." Jack said and hurriedly walked toward my side. I couldn't believe I was standing right next to Jack! He was literally everything I looked for in a guy. Plus, it's Jack I mean he's so funny and nice and wow I love him.

"So you work at Starbucks?" Jack asked as we continued walking down the long drive way. "Yeah, I got the job last night. I was sitting in the place and it was empty so I started talking to a girl Named Tracey." I explained. He replaced with a one word answer. 'Cool'. we got to the car and I opened the car door that I forgot to lock, then got in looking for my phone. Once I found it I got out and saw my messages blowing up from a group chat.

"Somebody's popular" Jack said with a laugh. His laugh was so amazingly cute. I literally dreamed of hearing it in person and it's finally happening. "Nah, it's just a group chat with my online friends." I replied, laughing as well. "Wanna go.. Um.. For a walk? There's a park not to far away" Jack asked nervously. I emadiatly said yes. There goes my cover. I was trying to hide my fangirl but this is harder than it looks!

"All right, let's go ask our moms to see if it's ok first." Jack said. We walked into my new house and carefully walked through a maze of boxes. "Can I got hang out with Jack for a little bit?" I asked my mom and then gave her a puppy dog face. She looked at Jack's mom, as if asking if it was ok with her for Jack to go out too. My mom then spoke up "Sure sweety. But if you're not home by 2 I'm taking you to your first class on Monday to embarrass you". With that she smiled evilly and I knew she wasn't kidding. She's done it before. "Alright, home by two. Got it." Jack replied for me.

We walked back to the driveway and started to walk. Then I realized, I hate walking unless it's around a store to go shopping. "Wait, do we really need to walk?" I asked Jack. He shrugged and looked me in the eyes. He smiled, his dimples showing and his perfect teeth practically shinning. "Eh, what the hell. Walking isn't so bad." I said and walked with Jack by my side.

Me, being my not so social, and ULTIMATE fangirl out there, I grabbed my phone out and went on twitter. The only thing that was pondering around in my mind was 'should I tell twitter I'm with Jack??'. I mean, there are probably followers that'd say I'm lying and ones who would say that they want proof.

"Hey, Elizabeth?" Jack asked and looked towards me. He looked like me when I didn't know how to reply to a text. Nervous. "You can call my Liz or Lizzy if you want" I told him with a smile. He looked down at his phone for a second and then up at me. "Alright. Liz, would you mind if I got a picture with you? I wanted to show my friends that I'm actually socializing with a very pretty girl.." Jack asked and then nervously bit his lip. I know that in most fan fictions that I love to read AND write, that this is the time where the lead girl blushes and turns into the same shade of a red rose or something. To be honest I didn't think it would actually happen like that, but trust me, it did. I nodded my head yes with the biggest smile on my face.

I posed and tried my best to look attractive for the picture. I put a strand of my hair behind my ear and smiled for the picture with Jack. "You look gorgeous Liz " he told me looking at the picture. I couldn't hold in my fangirl any longer, I squealed when he said that. He looked at me curiously, then laughed it off.

"Can you send me that picture? If you don't mind.." I said nervously. I really wanted that picture because I mean, I actually didn't look like a puked up sack of potatoes. It also accrued to me that I would be a fan.. getting his phone number. "Of course. I'll send it to you too. What's you're number?" he asked looking at his phone. I told him my number and he typed it in. Once I heard it sent I went to my messages. "Um Jack.. You sent that in a group message with me and your friends.." I said looking at all the random numbers. "Damn it! Well, I guess we just have to see what they say about it." Jack said with a chuckle. His laugh! Oh my gosh it gave me so many feels through the computer but in real life it made me melt.

I looked up from my phone and realized that Jack and I had wondered into a path in the woods. I looked around curiously at all the trees and bushes. Jack noticed me looking around and looked up from his phone too. "Um.. We walked a little too far" Jack said unsure and then added "I think".

"Jack! you got us lost!" I said laughing and playfully hit his arm. "Don't worry. Siri knows where to go." Jack said happily. He asked Siri where the park was from where we were at the moment. Turns out all we had to do was turn around for like a sec and there it was. "Wanna go on the swings?" Jack asked and looked at me. "Sure." I said and we rushed over to the swings. "I BET I CAN SWING HIGHER THAN YOU!" I exclaimed over the sudden gust of wind. "You're on Liz!" he yelled right back.

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