Chapter 10

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~ Connor's POV ~

After talking to Liz for a while, she had to leave because Jack was coming over and she needed to change her shirt. At first I wasn't sure what to think of her. I mean, for a 16 or 17 year old she was pretty cute. But once I called her this morning, I thought I had blew it for Jack. I really think her and I can be good friends. Like a little brother/sister type relationship. She sure was different from most of my friends.

She also seems to really care about Jack and I know he cares about her. They would make a cute couple.

And note to self - remember the term 'sunshit' for future fan references.

Then, I started texting the big group chat.

Connor: What are you guys up to?

Andrea - Waiting for my flight

Ricky - On a plane =]

Cara - Andrea stay here

Jenn - I'm driving wey hey

Connor - Jenn don't text and drive!

Liz - Hi um I have Jack's phone so he can't text..

Trevor - Liz why'd you take his phone

Liz - He let me have it for a day but I forgot to give it back.

Ricky - Liz is a rebel ooh watch out guys

Andrea - Ricky don't be mean

Connor - He wasn't being mean. I don't think he knows how to be mean. Just sassy.

Cara - Jack is the sassiest, sorry Ricky.

Jenn - Umm no it's me 💁

~ Liz's POV ~

After driving to the hotel room, changing my shirt, and coming back to my house, I noticed that my phone was being blown up. Not by 1 group chat, not two, but 3. One was a bunch of twitter friends, another was friends from back in Ohio, and the last one was the group of YouTubers.

Once I got up to my room I noticed Jack just sitting there, in one of the bean bag chairs. "Well, aren't you quick?" I told him with a laugh, plopping down on the bag next to him. "Phone." Jack said simply, putting his hand out. I reached into my back pocket and slapped the phone onto his hand. "What the hell it's warm?!" Jack yelled, hiding a laugh. "Hey, my buns are nice and toasty. I can't have them freeze outside." Jack just smiled and shook his head.

We decided it'd be more fun if we went shopping. But not clothes shopping, school shopping. It's because I may or may not have left all my school supplies back at my school in Ohio? It was all just really ugly and I wanted to get new things.

Jack and I walked downstairs together, telling my mom where we were going before we left the door. "Your mom is so nice" Jack told me, getting in the passenger seat. I looked at him once we were both in the car. "She's nice until she brings up the fetus pictures." I said with a very serious face.

He just smiled at me which made me smile. Here I was, Elizabeth Russell, sitting in a car with THE ThatSoJack. I thought that I'd never get the chance to meet him. I thought that if I did meet him, it'd be for about 40 seconds, at the most, and then I'd get shoved away by other fangirls. I was lost in thought until I noticed he was moving. He was coming closer to me. He was going to kiss me.

(I'm skipping the kiss because I don't write things that intense and stuff k). Once we pulled away he smiled at me, his eyes beautiful brown eyes sparkling in front of me. I made a quick smile and turned to put my seatbelt on and start the car.

~ At Taget ~

Luckily, the drive wasn't silent. Jack and I were screaming the lyrics to every song that came on the radio, even if we didn't know it. On the drive over, I noticed Jack taking selfies on my phone. And yes, I put a lock on it just to be safe.

"So tell me Liz, what happened to your stuff that you had already bought?" Jack asked as he pulled out a red cart. "Well my backpack was all messed up and drawn on and all my notebooks were used and I just need new stuff." I told him, pushing him away from the cart.

"Hey! I wanna wheel the cart!" Jack yelled with a smile. I put one foot on the bottom area of the cart and started to ride it away from him, making sure to steer away from the few people that got in my way. Jack used his One Direction stalking skills to run up to me. He playfully pulled my hands away off of the cart and took it away from me. "Rude!" I yelled laughing, then sped down the isle after him.

"Excuse me Miss! I'm going to have to ask you and your friend here to stop causing a distraction in my store! If you decide not to listen to me, I'll have to call se-" I heard a man say to me as I ran after Jack. I told him what the worker had said, or at least what I heard of it. He simply laughed and continued to run away with the cart. I continued to run after him, even though my legs were starting to feel like pudding. Then I heard a man's voice yelling, "STOP! YOU TWO, STOP!". Now, as innocent as I wanted to say I was, I knew they were yelling at Jack and I.

I looked back to see 2 security guards and a man in a red shirt; probabably the manager. I turned to face forward and before I could control my feet, I ran stright into Jack's back, which made Jack knock over a whole bunch of backpacks that were on display. "Fuck!" he yelled in pain as my head connected into his spine. Not exactly how I planned on spending my Sunday evening. "Damn it Jack why is your back so boney." I groaned and rubbed my head.

"You two! Get out of this store right now before I have my security guards carry you out!" the man in the red shirt yelled at us. I put my hands up in surender and started to walk forward, back to the exit. But someone grabbed me by the back of my shirt. "Liz, stay" Jack whispered into my ear, his breathe flowing onto my neck making me shiver. It would have been a really nice and calming feel but we were in trouble so I just covered up my smile with a stern face. 

"You kids have to the count of 3!" one of the sercurity guards announced. By now, Jack has pulled me back so that I was standing right next to him. "1" the same security guard said. He then waited about 3 seconds, notcing Jack and I not moving at all. "2!" he said louder. Now, we had a croud forming around the store, watching Jack and I. I looked over at Jack to try and make out what he was thinking by his facial expression. BUT, he was just giving me a small smirk.

"3!" the sercurity guard yelled, then walked over to Jack and I. The one that was talking, picked me up, and slung me over his shouler as if I were a beach towel. As he walked away, the other security guard was walking behind us with Jack in the same position. This can't end well..

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