Chapter 7

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~ Liz's POV ~ Sunday Morning ~

Yesterday was amazing. I spent time with Jack, bought some essentials for my room, went to the movies with my little sister, Jack, and Jack's brother Doug, and after that Jack's mom invited us to dinner at their house. Of course after that my mom, sister, and I went back to the hotel and went to bed.

Now it's 7 AM on Sunday and I'm headed to work. I'm excited, I get free coffee and stuff so it's pretty fun. Also I get to see my friend Tracey again. She was really nice yesterday and Friday night.

I stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the door to the parking lot. Last night I didn't get a very good marking spot so I know I'm going to be walking for a while. With that in mind, I took out my phone and went onto twitter.

I went on last night before bed and my friends had asked if I saw Jack yet but I honestly didn't know if I should tell them that he's my neighbor.

You see, in the YouTube fandom that I'm in, there are a lot of fakes and attention seekers. Some girls will say they know a YouTuber but in reality it's only in their dreams. I don't want people to think I'm lying or that they can take advantage of me just because I know Jack.

I ended up just creeping and not really tweeting anything because the walk to the car actually wasn't that far.

I put my purse on the hood of the car and searched for the rental keys. I found the car keys and.. Jack's phone. I never gave it back to him! How did he not notice oh my gosh. I should give it back to him... But if I did I'd be late to work. I'll just give it to him later.

I unlocked the car, plopped down into the cushioned seat, put the key in ignition, started up the car, and then headed towards the exit of the parking garage.

~ At Starbucks ~

I walked in and the smell of coffee filled my nose. "Ah, Liz! It's nice to see you again. How was yesterday?" Tracey greeted me as I walked behind the counter. "It was amazing actually. How about your day?" I asked her as I put on my green apron. She smiled and looked over at me. "Pretty good, my dog had her puppies yesterday." Tracey said happily.

"Awe, what kind of puppies?" I asked curiously before a customer came up to me at the cash register. Tracey held her answer as I felt with the short little black haired girl. She looked about 8 and she had walked over from a table with two middle aged women. She was nervous when she first started talking and it was so cute

After she walked away and was starting to come back with one of the middle aged women, I walked over to Tracey as another worker went to help the little girl.

"So the puppies?" I asked Tracey curiously. She started stacking some cups while she was talking. "Well my dog is a husky," Tracey started "and my mom's dog is a Pomeranian. The puppies are so cute! I did some research and they look will always look like Husky but they the size of Pomeranians."

I tried to picture a Husky the size of a Pomeranian, but the sound of a phone ringing snapped me out of my imagination. The only thing that confused me, is that it wasn't my phone. I looked a Tracey and she shook her head, knowing what I was about to ask. I walked to wear I put my phone down and looked through my purse.

It was Jack's phone. I glanced at the caller ID and it was Connor Franta.

I wondered if I should answer. I mean, I'm not Jack so I wonder what he'd say. I'll take chances.

I answered the call and put the phone up to my ear. Connor didn't wait for me to say hello, he just started singing a song. Holy shit he must be doing a video. I'm going to be talking to Connor Franta and in his video!

"Um, hello!" I yelled into the phone. Connor stopped singing, a little shocked in guessing. "Jack what happened to your voice you sound like a girl" Connor said with a laugh. "This isn't Jack, it's Liz, he gave me his phone yesterday.. Why were you singing?" I asked with a small giggle, trying to be cute to cover up my freaking out. "Oh my god. Sorry Liz. Um I'm making a video. I can tell you about it later. But while your here, say hi to my viewers!" Connor yelled the last part to the camera.

My smile was so big it was starting to hurt. "Hiii! I hope y'all are having a nice day!" I said and then Connor chuckled a little, said bye, and we hung up.

"Soooo, as I was about to say. We have 7 puppies and were wondering if you wanted any? My mom is only letting us keep 2." Tracey said walking over to me.

I thought about it. I always wanted a puppy but my mom used to say that dogs aren't good for little kids like my sister was so I stopped asking. Now my sister is bigger and the dogs are getting smaller.

"I'll have to ask my mom but I'd love one." I told her. She smiled "That's alright, it'll be a few weeks before we can sell them anyways."

~ Jack's POV ~

I walked next door to Liz's house, knowing she still has my phone from last night. I knocked on the chocolate brown door and waited. A few seconds later Liz's mom came to the door.

"Oh hi, sweety. If you're looking for Elizabeth she's at work." the nice women with dirty blonde hair and greenish brown eyes.

I nodded, realizing two things.

1 - I won't be getting my phone back as soon as I'd like.

2 - Liz looks nothing like her mom.

I walked back over to my house and logged onto twitter on my computer.

@ThatS0Jack: The most beautiful girl I've ever seen, has my phone. I don't know if I should be upset or embarrassed.

I got a remark from a fan account that said

@AndreaSoGucci: @ThatS0Jack just watch it be @JacksPrincessx

I decided to look at this 'JacksPrincess' account. As her name, she had "Jack follow me". I kind of ignored it considering it'd be sketchy if I followed her at a random time like this.

In her bio, she wrote "Jack is my sunshine", which made me smile. Her last tweet has said that she was at work and got an awesome call and she couldn't stop smiling during it.

I scrolled down to her pictures and saw pictures of me, O2L, Andrew Lowe, Rebecca Black, screenshots of things and a few other things. One screenshot was an imagine about me and DAMN it got sexual for not a very long group of words. I didn't know if I should laugh that someone would want me to do all those dirty things to them or surprised by how many sexual things she knew and wrote about.

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